Problem with crypted password

Hello guys.
I got a problem with creating account and crypted password.
I will explain you step by step.
1. I create account to log on the server.
2. On mysql showa me example acc: name pass: name.
3. When I try to log on UCP, tell me that the password is incorect.
4. I reset password by email (forgot password).
5. I put the nee password same at it was (name).
6. On mysql this time show many letters and numbers.
7. I log on UCP and it works.
8. I try to log again to server and tell me that the password is incorect.
9. If i whrite all the letters and numbers from mysql it works.
The question is: How can i make the server to read that cryptes password from mysql or how I can make UCP to read passwors as normaly, not crypted.


Originally Posted by GodLight
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The question is: How can i make the server to read that cryptes password from mysql or how I can make UCP to read passwors as normaly, not crypted.

Why would you want to read "passwords as normaly"? What is the point of been hashed then ?

Read this.

It doesnt help so much.
I think this is the script for crytable password.

PHP код:
$numes $_COOKIE['user'];
$parola $_COOKIE['pass'];
$numes))&&(isset($parola))) {
$userc $_COOKIE['user'];
$passc $_COOKIE['pass'];
$guest==0) {
$USERQ "SELECT Name, Password FROM players WHERE Name='$userc' AND Password='$passc'";
$CHECKU mysql_query($USERQ) or die('DonT Try To hack.');
$user $userc;
$pass $passc;


Originally Posted by doreto
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Why would you want to read "passwords as normaly"? What is the point of been hashed then ?
The point is that the server create account with normal password.
Account: Name
Password: Name

In mysql show me the same and if I try to log on UCP with this acc+pass, tell me the pass is incorect because is not crypted. If I give forgot password to reset it and change it again in to "Name", in mysql will show me a crypted password, lots of letters+numbers and If I try again to log on game with Name-Name, tell me password is incorect because the game know that crypted password.

Is a little complicated...

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