
Tell me your opinion about this configuration... server max slots: 150

CPU: 1 x Opteron 1.3Ghz (Max 1.6Ghz)
Memory: 2 Gb
Disk quota: 5 Gb SSD
OS: Linux

How many cores is the Opteron?

It all depends on your gamemode, if you have npc's, multiple timers, lots of calculations, lots of loops, etc... it will need more processor proformance.

If your Opteron is only a single core and it can run at 1.6GHZ, I cannot see a 150 player server along with linux os.

I have a dual E5645 Xeon server with 32 gb ram with 12 physical cores and 24 logical cores, I run a virtual machine for the samp server which I dedicate 4gb ram and 4 cores.

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