05.03.2016, 21:41
hey guys.
i got an command mask which allows player to put off their name and avoid name taging and shits like this but the problem is that when player writes example /maks then types anything that contains alot of number/letters like /mask aisofhasfoihaskofhasfkh - and he types it like 5-6 times then other commands wont work for anyone. i dont know what causes this problem btw maybe you may help me out
i got an command mask which allows player to put off their name and avoid name taging and shits like this but the problem is that when player writes example /maks then types anything that contains alot of number/letters like /mask aisofhasfoihaskofhasfkh - and he types it like 5-6 times then other commands wont work for anyone. i dont know what causes this problem btw maybe you may help me out
COMMAND:mask(playerid, params[]) { if(PlayerInfo[playerid][admin] || PlayerInfo[playerid][premiumgold] || PlayerInfo[playerid][playerfaction]==FBI || PlayerInfo[playerid][playerlvl]>= 15) { new tmp[3]; if(sscanf(params, "s", tmp)) return SCP(playerid, "[on/off]"); if(strcmp(tmp,"on",true)==0) { PlayerTemp[playerid][mask]=0; GameTextForPlayer(playerid,"~g~mask On",1000,1); PlayerLoop(i) ShowPlayerNameTagForPlayer(i,playerid,1); RemovePlayerAttachedObject(playerid, 9); } else if(strcmp(tmp,"off",true)==0) { PlayerTemp[playerid][mask]=1; GameTextForPlayer(playerid,"~r~mask Off",1000,1); SetPlayerAttachedObject(playerid,9,19036,2,0.093999,0.026000,-0.004999,93.800018,82.199951,-3.300001,1.098000,1.139999,1.173000); PlayerLoop(i) { if(!PlayerInfo[i][admin]) { ShowPlayerNameTagForPlayer(i,playerid,0); } if(PlayerInfo[playerid][playerteam] != CIV) { if(PlayerInfo[playerid][playerteam] == PlayerInfo[i][playerteam]) { ShowPlayerNameTagForPlayer(i,playerid,0); } } } } else return SCP(playerid, "[on/off]"); } else return SendClientError(playerid, CANT_USE_CMD); return 1; }