27.02.2016, 15:03
Hi guys, i have this code:
and what is problem? The problem is that cordinates are cordinates of 1 object, and i want to make this text allways be in front of that object, but i have some problems, when i put object without rotation edit text is good, but when i rotate him for 180 degrees i get this:
text is again on same side, how can i fix that?
new Float:novix = fX; new Float:noviy = fY; noviy -= 3.0; objekt = CreateObject(19327, novix, noviy, fZ -= 0.8, fRotX, fRotY, fRotZ); SetObjectMaterialText(objekt, "{0080FF}Trafika", 0, 130, "Comic Sans MS", 140, 0, -9591092, 0, 1);
text is again on same side, how can i fix that?