Object is not attached to vehicle

Hello. I want to attach an object on vehicle and it's not like, it gets attached when I use a command or get in the vehicle. The vehicle is parked and that object must be already attached on him.

Here is the code, which I added OnPlayerConnect:

new myobject = CreateObject(944,0,0,-1000,0,0,0,100);
AttachObjectToVehicle(myobject, 446, 0.075000,-1.950000,1.875000,2.699998,2.699998,-178.199890);

P.S. I used a special editor by iPLEOMAX.

vehicleid, not modelid.

Like this? AttachObjectToVehicle(myobject, vehicleid, 0.000000,-1.725000,2.100000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000);

Object is added on Boat=Squallo

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