[Help]make my own server.

i want to make my own server, to expose my mappings,i found a tutorial but i didn't fully make a server.
i have doawnload samp037_svr_R2-1-1_win32 , ( do i have to put him in my GTA SA folder ?)
i have lanched a server with the grandlarc gamemode, but i want to make my own gamemode , a simple teleportation to interiors gamemode , interiore wich i make (mapping)
and when i put my IP on SAMP to Login to my server, it say's (retrieving info...)
please help.
this is the tutorial that i have found:

you need a host, to host your server{to make it Work}

how can i find one ? free one.

When you connect to the server you host on your PC, use the local host IP, not the external one.
If you use the external one, would be like, quoting Mauzen "getting outside of your own house house and entering back to pickup food from your fridge".

This being said, use one of these metods:



and if i wont to give the IP to a friend off my so he can login to my surver ?

if you want to play with your friends while your server is running on YOUR localhost, then you'll have to portforward it .. however its kind of bad option..
or you'll have to host it , (you can find some free server hosting) and you'll be able to play ,
good luck!

thank's !

There are plenty of free hosts which have less qualities, free hosts can just close your server after 1 week, or won't let you put too much work on your server.
Paid host is way more better.

Well I will recommend you to test it first. How:
• When you are done scripting(you can check here for help or ask someone) you will have to launch samp-server.exe(this application is into your server folder)
• Be sure you have loaded the correct filterscripts and the gamemode(at server.cfg)
• When you are done go to start and search this application (command or cmd)
• Click that and write ipconfig
• There will be shown several IPs
• You will have to click IP Address, or IP 4Address(it depends)
• Also the first line shows that but don't get that IP. I will recommend to use the third IP(something like 192.168.X.X)
• Thats the public IP but only you can connect
• Get the IP and enter that to SAMP and your server will be shown(Add the IP and the server port)
• Wala, you launchec your server and you can test it
================================================== =========================
If you want to make it public and share the IP you will need a host. You can get a host only by searching in ****** like this : SAMP server host.
You won't get a server with 100 slots since you will have to pay. You can get a free one with 30 slots or 50. If you want to pay for one I will suggest you to get a VPS(Virtual Port Server) since it's more easy and you can host your game and TS plus add a playerbase slot more than 100.

I hope you understood how to make your server public.

Best Regards,

thank you Kelvis ! nothing more to say.
one more thing, i lanched a local server (juste like you said); but with grandlarc GM , and LS parachuting GM, now i wont to lanch it with my own Gm created by me (or found in forum) what should i do ? should i put my GM in the folder named gamemodes, than i put the name of my GM in the server.cfg ( PS : the server.cfg i open it with blocnot, is that OK ?)
about the hosting server,if i chose to paye a host, i'll paye every month ? some hoster said like 0.45$/month .

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