10.01.2016, 16:01
Последний раз редактировалось diclofoss; 10.01.2016 в 19:25.
The is too much complex for me to create DIALOG_ID for each dialog in my mode. So wrapped Showplayedialog with some trick.
The main idea is that player can't view more than 1 dialog at the same time.
Just want to share. Comments are welcome:
First declare fxShowPlayerDialog
Next implement OnDialogResponse
After that in some part of your code you may use fxShowPlayerDialog
So you don't need to create DIALOG_ID for each dialog. You don't need to add code into OnDialogResponse too.
Just call dialog and implement callback.
For different styles of dialog you should implement different type of callbacks.
Hope it helps somebody.
UPDATE: Fix issue with empty input
The is too much complex for me to create DIALOG_ID for each dialog in my mode. So wrapped Showplayedialog with some trick.
The main idea is that player can't view more than 1 dialog at the same time.
Just want to share. Comments are welcome:
First declare fxShowPlayerDialog
PHP код:
new PlayerDialogFunc[MAX_PLAYERS][90];
new PlayerDialogStyle[MAX_PLAYERS];
fxShowPlayerDialog(playerid, callback[], dialogStyle, header[], text[], button1[], button2[]) {
new fxCallback[32];
format(fxCallback, sizeof(fxCallback), "%s", callback);
PlayerDialogFunc[playerid] = fxCallback;
PlayerDialogStyle[playerid] = dialogStyle;
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, playerid, dialogStyle, header, text, button1, button2);
PHP код:
public OnDialogResponse(playerid, dialogid, response, listitem, inputtext[]) {
switch (PlayerDialogStyle[playerid]) {
return CallLocalFunction(PlayerDialogFunc[playerid], "ii", playerid, response);
new formatedInput[256];
format(formatedInput, sizeof(formatedInput), "%s", inputtext);
if (isnull(formatedInput)) {
printf("FormattedInput is null: |%s|", formatedInput);
return CallLocalFunction(PlayerDialogFunc[playerid], "iis", playerid, response, "\1");
printf("Input: |%s|", formatedInput);
return CallLocalFunction(PlayerDialogFunc[playerid], "iis", playerid, response, formatedInput);
default: {
return CallLocalFunction(PlayerDialogFunc[playerid], "iii", playerid, response, listitem);
return 0;
PHP код:
fxShowPlayerDialog(playerid, "sampnet_onDialogAgreement", DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX, Agreement[CurAgreementPage[playerid]][agreement_title], Agreement[CurAgreementPage[playerid]][agreement_text], "Next", "");
forward sampnet_onDialogAgreement(playerid, response);
public sampnet_onDialogAgreement(playerid, response) {
Just call dialog and implement callback.
For different styles of dialog you should implement different type of callbacks.
Hope it helps somebody.
UPDATE: Fix issue with empty input