26.12.2015, 19:32
Hello guys,
Today, I've made a command which I can get the name of Admin who jailed a player and the reason of it.
It works perfectly, but the main problem that when the player's disconnect, and reconnect, I can't get the name of the admin and the reason. THO..
this is the command to view players in jail :
Today, I've made a command which I can get the name of Admin who jailed a player and the reason of it.
It works perfectly, but the main problem that when the player's disconnect, and reconnect, I can't get the name of the admin and the reason. THO..
this is the command to view players in jail :
PHP код:
#pragma unused params
new string[170];
for(new i=0; i<MAX_PLAYERS; i++)
if(JailAdminTime[i] >= 1)
format(string,sizeof(string),"[PRISON ADMIN] {FFFFFF}%s(%d): Emprisonnй par: {FF0000}%s {FFFFFF}Raison: {FF0000}%s.",PlayerName(i),i,jailed[i][administrateur],jailed[i][reason_jailed]);
return 1;