20.12.2015, 16:08
I have house system with mysql and when i use houseedit change ec the level on id 0 then is change on id 1 instead, mabye you guys can help me, thanks in advance
for(new row =0; row < rows; row++)
This house loading is wrong.
It says that i create a new variable named row; and say that if row < rows then do that.. Example to understand the mistake. i create a variable named test.. and then i say that if test is smaller than number 3 then do something.. Does it make sense? I guess not. To sum up, you have to set row a number. I suggest to do that PHP код:
for(new row =10; row < rows; row++)
Not a random number but but the first house id you create for example if your first house id starts from number 1 then loop from number 1 if it starts from house id 0 then loop from number 0
for(new row =0; row < rows; row++)