Tag mismatch - trying to fix but cant.

This is the line:

mysql_get_field("Password", AccountData[extraid][Password]);
C:\RP\gamemodes\rrp.pwn(7511) : warning 213: tag mismatch
What is wrong with it?

Show us the definition of AccountData, Password, extraid, and the enum that contains Password.

Thanks for help mate.
With fresh head found that I forgot to add Password @ enum.

+REP, thanks.

Well, hmm...

In programming, also have a keen eye for the small mistakes such as this. The small things are a HUGE problem we all face. We all overlook small things every once in a while. Sometimes it even takes a while to see the tiny mistake and then we feel dumb for not noticing before.

Also, you can't even give rep! :P

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