Basic Commands to scrpit

Can anyone write some basic commands for a server?
like /heal /run or /skin [ID]
I am very unexperienced
and if you go like ''Go to SAMP wiki or learn the turitorial'' just ignore this thread
ugh,I am just seeking some scripting help
*PM me if you are an experienced scripter,I have lots of ideas


and if you go like ''Go to SAMP wiki or learn the turitorial'' just ignore this thread

so what are we supposed to do? i don't think anybody here is going to make you a private tutorial about something that has been on this forum hundreds of times. :P
there's a pretty nice tutorial on sa-mp wiki, everything is explained.

I personally recommend IZCMD and SSCANF for creating any type of commands. Example with IZCMD/ZCMD for heal command and skin command.


CMD:heal(playerid, params[]) //Creating the command via ZCMD.
SetPlayerHealth(playerid, 100); //Setting his health to 100, which is filling the bar fully.
SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, "You have been healed."); //Telling the player that we have done it.
return 1; //Returning 1, telling the ZCMD/IZCMD include that everything was handled and the command is finished, if you return 0 or nothing, you will get Unknown command althought you will still be healed.


CMD: skin(playerid, params[]) //Putted space after CMD: because it become an emoticon, don't put space after CMDkin!
new pickedskin; //Storing the skin he pick.
if(!sscanf(params, "i", pickedskin)) //Checking if he entered anything after /skin, returns 0 if he putted something and 1 if he didn't, the ! in front of sscanf means that if(sscanf(params, "i", pickedskin) == 0)
if(pickedskin < 0 || pickedskin > 311) return SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, "Skins are from 0 to 311."); // As he picked it, we are going to check if the value is actualy a skin, skins are from 0 to 311, if it's lower than 0 or bigger than 311 we are telling him that the skin is invalid.
SetPlayerSkin(playerid, pickedskin); //Setting the skin.
SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, "You skin has been changed."); //Telling him that we did it.
else return SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, "USAGE: /skin [SKINID]"); //This will trigger if the sscanf params thingy returned anything but 0, in that case this means that he did not put anything after /skin so weare telling him to do so.
return 1; //Just like before, returning 1 to tell that everything has been done so far and executed successfully, if you do not return 1 you will get unkown CMD message, same if you do not put return at all.

****** IZCMD and SSCANF in ******, you should find them.

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