Hydra bomb type

Hello everyone i wonder how i can get hydra bomb type without using hydra example in this video:


If anyone knows the method the guy in video using please let me know

PS. i dont know the right section to ask this i thought its here

get the target's location, make a few hydra flares objects above him, for example
new flare;
flare = CreateObject(flare id, TargetX+0.2, TargetY+0.1, TargetZ+150, 0, 0, 0)); //change +0,2, +0,1 to other values in every single flare so you'll get bigger dispersion
use MoveObject on them so it will look like they're falling down
MoveObject(flare, TargetX+0.2, TargetY+0.1, TargetZ, 30); //30 is the speed
and use timer to set up explosions near the target (depends of speed of the flare object)

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