RC enterable without skin!

I've little problem with PutPlayerInVehicle function and the rc car vehicle. Everything is working because I can drive whereever I want to go but there's appears skin (character without control). It's look like that:

Is there any way to make a skin invisible or put him completely to this car? I apologize in advance for my english language ;P

Pastebin - http://pastebin.com/BvSNaMnq

im not sure if it would work or not, but you can try creating a rc assigned to a player (something like RcCar[playerid]) in players position, then teleporting player somewhere far away and putting him in RcCar[playerid]

Still nothing :/ I tried to make a TimerEx too but it's without any good results. Fixed only for driver*

Any one? It's really annoying when someone affter connect and spawn see something like this^^ So how to remove skin, make him invisible or tp far, far away without car and at the same time keep control?

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