31.10.2015, 19:13
Hello, so i download PPC_Trucking gamemode from here and started to translate it from English to Lithuanian all things that i have to translate its written in include files then i translated it tried to compile gamemode but it crashes pawno dosn't responds. Then i upload original file it's compiles smoothly. Please help do i do something wrong or maybe it's the my language simbols.
Theres some code from the translated spot.
// Debug messages #define TXT_DebugInfo "Debug informacija" #define TXT_HousesFixed "Sutvarkyti namai: %i" #define TXT_LastVehicleID "Paskutinio transporto ID: %i" #define TXT_LastObjectID "Paskutinio objekto ID: %i" #define TXT_TotalHouses "Uћkrauti %i namai" #define TXT_TotalBusiness "Uћkrauti %i bizniai" #define TXT_TotalSpeedCameras "Uћkrautos %i greičio kameros" // Define the message that's sent to all players when a player joins the server #define TXT_PlayerJoinedServer "{0000FF}Ћaidėjas '{FFFF00}%s{0000FF}' (ID: {FFFF00}%i{0000FF}) prisijungė į serverį." #define TXT_PlayerLeftServer "{0000FF}Ћaidėjas '{FFFF00}%s{0000FF}' (ID: {FFFF00}%i{0000FF}) paliko serverį." // Banned texts (also kick messages) #define TXT_StillBanned "{FF0000}Jūs uћblokuotas." // Define the text that the player sees when he's still banned when trying to login #define TXT_BannedDuration "{FF0000}Liko: Dienų: %i, Valandų: %i, Minučių: %i, Sekundћių: %i" // Define the remaining ban-time text #define TXT_KickSpeedHack "{FF0000}Jūs buvote iљspirtas iљ serverio. (SpeedHack arba AirBreak)" #define TXT_KickJetPackHack "{FF0000}Jūs buvote iљspirtas iљ serverio. (JetPack naudojimas)" #define TXT_KickHealthHack "{FF0000}Jūs buvote iљspirtas iљ serverio. (Heal naudojimas)" // Dialog buttons #define TXT_DialogButtonCancel "Atљaukti" // Define the text on the "Cancel"-button for dialogs #define TXT_DialogButtonBuy "Pirkti" // Define the text on the "Buy"-button for dialogs #define TXT_DialogButtonSpawn "Spawn" #define TXT_DialogButtonSelect "Pasirinkti" #define TXT_DialogButtonYes "Taip" #define TXT_DialogButtonNo "Ne"