Textdraw sprites not resizing correctly

Not sure if this bug has been reported yet but I'll just do it.
I'm probably not the only one who has faced the issue that textdraw sprites won't have the same size on different resolutions.
For example on my server I've made a border around my aircraft panel with those bars which are used in the SP to create a TV. They are perfectly matching on my resolution while it looks messed up for users with other screen resolutions cause the bars are either to small or to big.
A fix for this would be nice.

This applies to ALL textdraws. It always has.

Unless you use rounded values such as "127.0000" and "99.0000" instead of fucked up values such as "127.2321" or "99.7534" your textdraws will not be resolution friendly.

Even whole values may have issues but it certainly helps a lot towards creating resolution friendly textdraws.

Originally Posted by Pottus
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Even whole values may have issues but it certainly helps a lot towards creating resolution friendly textdraws.
I've actually tested a lot of resolutions between three different monitors. One being a 16:10, one a 16:9 and the other a 4:3.

My textdraws using whole values were correct every time the set screen resolution (in the graphics options, or display properties if you prefer) was equal to the resolution set in the GTA settings. As you said they do have issues, but only when the resolution settings are miss matched, and even then not always. When I use real values set to be perfect on any of the monitors at any resolution (i.e. each of the resolutions I tried) they are always off by at least a pixel (which can be very ugly on an HD screen and hardly noticeable on the shitty 4:3 monitor I have).

I can go through this again and provide screenshots if needed. I'm pretty sure we've all seen this before though.

Well normal textdraws aren't a big problem. Of course they are sometimes a little bit different when I'm not using rounded values but not a big deal. But the sprites are quite bigger/smaller on different resolutions so not just a difference of 1 pixel.
I'll post some screenshots on different resolutions from different users tomorrow.

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