04.09.2015, 16:46
D:\server\samp\pawno\include\YSI\y_utils.inc(343) : warning 219: local variable "string" shadows a variable at a preceding level D:\server\samp\pawno\include\YSI\y_utils.inc(497) : warning 219: local variable "string" shadows a variable at a preceding level D:\server\samp\pawno\include\YSI\y_utils.inc(540) : warning 219: local variable "string" shadows a variable at a preceding level D:\server\samp\pawno\include\YSI\y_utils.inc(558) : warning 219: local variable "string" shadows a variable at a preceding level D:\server\samp\pawno\include\YSI\y_malloc.inc(216) : warning 219: local variable "string" shadows a variable at a preceding level D:\server\samp\pawno\include\sscanf.inc(3) : warning 219: local variable "string" shadows a variable at a preceding level D:\server\samp\gamemodes\abrffnew.pwn(131) : error 004: function "CreateActorInformation" is not implemented D:\server\samp\gamemodes\abrffnew.pwn(170) : error 055: start of function body without function header D:\server\samp\gamemodes\abrffnew.pwn(172) : error 017: undefined symbol "idx" D:\server\samp\gamemodes\abrffnew.pwn(173) : error 021: symbol already defined: "format" D:\server\samp\gamemodes\abrffnew.pwn(177) : error 010: invalid function or declaration D:\server\samp\gamemodes\abrffnew.pwn(261) : warning 219: local variable "string" shadows a variable at a preceding level D:\server\samp\gamemodes\abrffnew.pwn(359) : warning 219: local variable "string" shadows a variable at a preceding level D:\server\samp\gamemodes\abrffnew.pwn(577) : warning 235: public function lacks forward declaration (symbol "OnPlayerFullyConnected") D:\server\samp\gamemodes\abrffnew.pwn(592) : warning 219: local variable "string" shadows a variable at a preceding level D:\server\samp\gamemodes\abrffnew.pwn(605) : warning 219: local variable "string" shadows a variable at a preceding level D:\server\samp\gamemodes\abrffnew.pwn(659) : warning 217: loose indentation D:\server\samp\gamemodes\abrffnew.pwn(659) : warning 219: local variable "string" shadows a variable at a preceding level D:\server\samp\gamemodes\abrffnew.pwn(690) : warning 219: local variable "string" shadows a variable at a preceding level D:\server\samp\gamemodes\abrffnew.pwn(714) : warning 219: local variable "string" shadows a variable at a preceding level D:\server\samp\gamemodes\abrffnew.pwn(758) : warning 219: local variable "string" shadows a variable at a preceding level D:\server\samp\gamemodes\abrffnew.pwn(777) : warning 219: local variable "string" shadows a variable at a preceding level D:\server\samp\gamemodes\abrffnew.pwn(811) : error 004: function "CreateActorInformation" is not implemented D:\server\samp\gamemodes\abrffnew.pwn(821) : warning 219: local variable "string" shadows a variable at a preceding level D:\server\samp\gamemodes\abrffnew.pwn(836) : warning 217: loose indentation D:\server\samp\gamemodes\abrffnew.pwn(837) : warning 217: loose indentation D:\server\samp\gamemodes\abrffnew.pwn(841) : error 017: undefined symbol "CreateDynamic3DTextLabel" D:\server\samp\gamemodes\abrffnew.pwn(841) : warning 213: tag mismatch D:\server\samp\gamemodes\abrffnew.pwn(843) : error 004: function "CreateActorInformation" is not implemented D:\server\samp\gamemodes\abrffnew.pwn(863) : warning 217: loose indentation D:\server\samp\gamemodes\abrffnew.pwn(865) : warning 217: loose indentation D:\server\samp\gamemodes\abrffnew.pwn(865) : error 004: function "DestroyDynamic3DTextLabel" is not implemented D:\server\samp\gamemodes\abrffnew.pwn(866) : error 004: function "CreateActorInformation" is not implemented D:\server\samp\gamemodes\abrffnew.pwn(870) : warning 203: symbol is never used: "string" Pawn compiler 3.2.3664 Copyright © 1997-2006, ITB CompuPhase 10 Errors.
// ABR FUN FACTORY // WTF // LALA #include <a_samp> #include <YSI\y_ini> #include <zcmd> #include <sscanf> #include <noclass> #include <foreach> #define PATH "/Users/%s.ini" #define ACTOR_DATA "Actors/%d" #define MAX_ACTORSS (200) #define DIALOG_REGISTER 1 #define DIALOG_LOGIN 2 #define DIALOG_SUCCESS_1 3 #define DIALOG_SUCCESS_2 4 #define COL_WHITE "{FFFFFF}" #define COL_RED "{F81414}" #define COL_GREEN "{00FF22}" #define COL_LIGHTBLUE "{00CED1}" #define COLOR_CLIENT (0xAAC4E5FF) #define COLOR_WHITE (0xFFFFFFFF) #define COLOR_RED (0xFF0000FF) #define COLOR_CYAN (0x33CCFFFF) #define COLOR_LIGHTRED (0xFF6347FF) #define COLOR_LIGHTGREEN (0x9ACD32FF) #define COLOR_YELLOW (0xFFFF00FF) #define COLOR_GREY (0xAFAFAFFF) #define COLOR_HOSPITAL (0xFF8282FF) #define COLOR_PURPLE (0xD0AEEBFF) #define COLOR_LIGHTYELLOW (0xF5DEB3FF) #define COLOR_DARKBLUE (0x1394BFFF) #define COLOR_ORANGE (0xFFA500FF) #define COLOR_LIME (0x00FF00FF) #define COLOR_GREEN (0x33CC33FF) #define COLOR_BLUE (0x2641FEFF) #define COLOR_FACTION (0xBDF38BFF) #define COLOR_RADIO (0x8D8DFFFF) #define COLOR_LIGHTBLUE (0x007FFFFF) #define COLOR_SERVER (0xFFFF90FF) // 6688FF #define COLOR_DEPARTMENT (0xF0CC00FF) #define COLOR_ADMINCHAT (0x33EE33FF) #define DEFAULT_COLOR (0xFFFFFFFF) new onlineplayers=0; new DropLimit = 5; new DeleteTime = 20; #if defined FILTERSCRIPT public OnFilterScriptInit() { return 1; print("\n--------------------------------------"); print(" Blank Filterscript by your name here"); print("--------------------------------------\n"); } public OnFilterScriptExit() { return 1; } #else main() { print("\n----------------------------------"); print(" ABR Fun Factory by Missclick"); print("----------------------------------\n"); } #endif new randomMessages[][] = //here, we're creating the array with the name "randomMessages" { "[INFO] We are hiring developers and testers currently.", "[INFO] You can use /cmds to see the commands and /stats to see your statistics.", "[INFO] This server is still in developtment so expect bugs." }; enum pInfo { pPass, pCash, pAdmin, pKills, pDeaths, pScore, pSkin, pAssistant, pFac, pLead, pAdminDuty } new PlayerInfo[MAX_PLAYERS][pInfo]; enum aInfo { aSkin, aName[32], Text3D:aText, Float:aPosX, Float:aPosY, Float:aPosZ, Float:aPosA, aVW } new ActorInfo[MAX_ACTORSS][aInfo]; forward LoadActors(); public LoadActors() { new Actor[64]; for(new idx = 0; idx < sizeof(ActorInfo); idx++) { format(Actor, 64, ACTOR_DATA, idx); INI_ParseFile(Actor, "LoadActor_data", .bExtra = true, .extra = idx ); if(ActorInfo[idx][aPosX] > 0.0) { CreateActorInformation(idx); } } print("*Actors Loaded Correctly."); return 1; } forward SaveActors(idx); public SaveActors(idx) { new Actorfile[64]; format(Actorfile, 64, ACTOR_DATA, idx); new INI:File = INI_Open(Actorfile); INI_SetTag(File,"Actor_Information"); INI_WriteInt(File,"Skin", ActorInfo[idx][aSkin]); INI_WriteString(File,"Name", ActorInfo[idx][aName]); INI_WriteFloat(File,"PosX", ActorInfo[idx][aPosX]); INI_WriteFloat(File,"PosY", ActorInfo[idx][aPosY]); INI_WriteFloat(File,"PosZ", ActorInfo[idx][aPosZ]); INI_WriteFloat(File,"Angel", ActorInfo[idx][aPosA]); INI_WriteInt(File,"VirtualWorld", ActorInfo[idx][aVW]); INI_Close(File); return 1; } forward LoadActor_data(idx, name[], value[]); public LoadActor_data(idx, name[], value[]) { INI_Int("Skin", ActorInfo[idx][aSkin]); INI_String("Name", ActorInfo[idx][aName], 32); INI_Float("PosX", ActorInfo[idx][aPosX]); INI_Float("PosY", ActorInfo[idx][aPosY]); INI_Float("PosZ", ActorInfo[idx][aPosZ]); INI_Float("Angel", ActorInfo[idx][aPosA]); INI_Int("VirtualWorld", ActorInfo[idx][aVW]); return 1; } forward CreateActorInformation(idx); public CreateActorInformation(idx); { new string[500]; DestroyDynamic3DTextLabel(ActorInfo[idx][aText]); format(string, sizeof(string), "{00A2FF}%s (%d)", ActorInfo[idx][aName], idx); ActorInfo[idx][aText] = CreateDynamic3DTextLabel(string,-1, ActorInfo[idx][aPosX], ActorInfo[idx][aPosY], ActorInfo[idx][aPosZ]+1,6.0,INVALID_PLAYER_ID,INVALID_VEHICLE_ID,1,0,0); CreateActor(ActorInfo[idx][aSkin], ActorInfo[idx][aPosX], ActorInfo[idx][aPosY], ActorInfo[idx][aPosZ], ActorInfo[idx][aPosA]); SetActorVirtualWorld(idx, ActorInfo[idx][aVW]); return 1; } forward RandomMessages(); public RandomMessages() { new randomMsg = random(sizeof(randomMessages)); SendClientMessageToAll(COLOR_GREEN, randomMessages[randomMsg]); } forward LoadUser_data(playerid,name[],value[]); public LoadUser_data(playerid,name[],value[]) { INI_Int("Password",PlayerInfo[playerid][pPass]); INI_Int("Cash",PlayerInfo[playerid][pCash]); INI_Int("Admin",PlayerInfo[playerid][pAdmin]); INI_Int("Kills",PlayerInfo[playerid][pKills]); INI_Int("Deaths",PlayerInfo[playerid][pDeaths]); INI_Int("Score",PlayerInfo[playerid][pScore]); INI_Int("Skin",PlayerInfo[playerid][pSkin]); INI_Int("Assistant",PlayerInfo[playerid][pAssistant]); INI_Int("Faction",PlayerInfo[playerid][pFac]); INI_Int("Leader",PlayerInfo[playerid][pLead]); INI_Int("AdminDuty",PlayerInfo[playerid][pAdminDuty]); return 1; } forward DropPlayerWeapons(playerid); public DropPlayerWeapons(playerid) { new playerweapons[13][2]; new Float:x,Float:y,Float:z; GetPlayerPos(playerid, x, y, z); for(new i=0; i<13; i++) { GetPlayerWeaponData(playerid, i, playerweapons[i][0], playerweapons[i][1]); new model = GetWeaponType(playerweapons[i][0]); new times = floatround(playerweapons[i][1]/10.0001); new Float:X = x + (random(3) - random(3)); new Float:Y = y + (random(3) - random(3)); if(playerweapons[i][1] != 0 && model != -1) { if(times > DropLimit) times = DropLimit; for(new a=0; a<times; a++) { new pickupid = CreatePickup(model, 3, X, Y, z); SetTimerEx("DeletePickup", DeleteTime*1000, false, "d", pickupid); } } } return 1; } forward DeletePickup(pickupid); public DeletePickup(pickupid) { DestroyPickup(pickupid); return 1; } GetWeaponType(weaponid) //explainin' { switch(weaponid) { case 1: return 331; case 2: return 333; case 3: return 334; // this is to define the weapons case 4: return 335; case 5: return 336; case 6: return 337; case 7: return 338; case 8: return 339; case 9: return 341; case 10: return 321; case 11: return 322; case 12: return 323; case 13: return 324; case 14: return 325; case 15: return 326; case 16: return 342; case 17: return 343; case 18: return 344; case 22: return 346; case 23: return 347; case 24: return 348; case 25: return 349; case 26: return 350; case 27: return 351; case 28: return 352; case 29: return 353; case 30: return 355; case 31: return 356; case 32: return 372; case 33: return 357; case 34: return 358; case 35: return 359; case 36: return 360; case 37: return 361; case 38: return 362; case 39: return 363; case 41: return 365; case 42: return 366; case 46: return 371; //example, this case is the id 46 is the parachute, we will drop the parachute, that's if you got one } return -1; } stock UserPath(playerid) { new string[128],playername[MAX_PLAYER_NAME]; GetPlayerName(playerid,playername,sizeof(playername)); format(string,sizeof(string),PATH,playername); return string; } /*Credits to Dracoblue*/ stock udb_hash(buf[]) { new length=strlen(buf); new s1 = 1; new s2 = 0; new n; for (n=0; n<length; n++) { s1 = (s1 + buf[n]) % 65521; s2 = (s2 + s1) % 65521; } return (s2 << 16) + s1; } public OnGameModeInit() { SetGameModeText("FF|v0.0.1"); AddPlayerClass(2, 2200.0459, 1285.3773, 10.8203, 93.1433, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); SetTimer("RandomMessages", 60000, true); return 1; } public OnGameModeExit() { return 1; } /*public OnPlayerRequestClass(playerid, classid) { SetPlayerPos(playerid, 2200.0459, 1285.3773, 10.8203); SetPlayerCameraPos(playerid, 2192.5767, 1285.3793, 10.8203); SetPlayerCameraLookAt(playerid, 2192.5767, 1285.3793, 10.8203); return 1; }*/ public OnPlayerConnect(playerid) { if(fexist(UserPath(playerid))) { INI_ParseFile(UserPath(playerid), "LoadUser_%s", .bExtra = true, .extra = playerid); ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DIALOG_LOGIN, DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT,""COL_WHITE"Login",""COL_WHITE"Type your password below to login.","Login","Quit"); } else { ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DIALOG_REGISTER, DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT,""COL_WHITE"Registering...",""COL_WHITE"Type your password below to register a new account.","Register","Quit"); } onlineplayers++; new str[128]; format(str,sizeof(str),"SERVER STATUS: %i players are currently online.",onlineplayers); SendClientMessageToAll(0xED5F07FF,str); return 1; } public OnPlayerDisconnect(playerid, reason) { new INI:File = INI_Open(UserPath(playerid)); INI_SetTag(File,"data"); INI_WriteInt(File,"Cash",GetPlayerMoney(playerid)); INI_WriteInt(File,"Admin",PlayerInfo[playerid][pAdmin]); INI_WriteInt(File,"Kills",PlayerInfo[playerid][pKills]); INI_WriteInt(File,"Deaths",PlayerInfo[playerid][pDeaths]); INI_WriteInt(File,"Score",GetPlayerScore(playerid)); INI_WriteInt(File,"Skin",GetPlayerSkin(playerid)); INI_WriteInt(File,"Assistant",PlayerInfo[playerid][pAssistant]); INI_WriteInt(File,"Faction",PlayerInfo[playerid][pFac]); INI_WriteInt(File,"Leader",PlayerInfo[playerid][pLead]); INI_WriteInt(File,"AdminDuty",PlayerInfo[playerid][pAdminDuty]); INI_Close(File); onlineplayers--; new str[128]; format(str,sizeof(str),"SERVER STATUS: %i players are currently online.",onlineplayers); SendClientMessageToAll(0xED5F07FF,str); return 1; } public OnPlayerSpawn(playerid) { SetPlayerScore(playerid, PlayerInfo[playerid][pScore]); return 1; } public OnPlayerDeath(playerid, killerid, reason) { DropPlayerWeapons(playerid); PlayerInfo[killerid][pKills]++; PlayerInfo[playerid][pDeaths]++; PlayerInfo[killerid][pScore]++; new targetplayer; new string[150], pName[MAX_PLAYER_NAME]; GetPlayerName(targetplayer, pName, MAX_PLAYER_NAME); format(string, sizeof string, "-KILLCAM- "COL_WHITE"You have killed %s and got +1 score and a kill.", pName); SendClientMessage(killerid, COLOR_RED, string); return 1; } public OnVehicleSpawn(vehicleid) { return 1; } public OnVehicleDeath(vehicleid, killerid) { return 1; } public OnPlayerText(playerid, text[]) { return 1; } public OnPlayerCommandText(playerid, cmdtext[]) { if (strcmp("/ignorethis", cmdtext, true, 10) == 0) { // Do something here return 1; } return 0; } public OnPlayerEnterVehicle(playerid, vehicleid, ispassenger) { return 1; } public OnPlayerExitVehicle(playerid, vehicleid) { return 1; } public OnPlayerStateChange(playerid, newstate, oldstate) { return 1; } public OnPlayerEnterCheckpoint(playerid) { return 1; } public OnPlayerLeaveCheckpoint(playerid) { return 1; } public OnPlayerEnterRaceCheckpoint(playerid) { return 1; } public OnPlayerLeaveRaceCheckpoint(playerid) { return 1; } public OnRconCommand(cmd[]) { return 1; } public OnPlayerRequestSpawn(playerid) { return 1; } public OnObjectMoved(objectid) { return 1; } public OnPlayerObjectMoved(playerid, objectid) { return 1; } public OnPlayerPickUpPickup(playerid, pickupid) { return 1; } public OnVehicleMod(playerid, vehicleid, componentid) { return 1; } public OnVehiclePaintjob(playerid, vehicleid, paintjobid) { return 1; } public OnVehicleRespray(playerid, vehicleid, color1, color2) { return 1; } public OnPlayerSelectedMenuRow(playerid, row) { return 1; } public OnPlayerExitedMenu(playerid) { return 1; } public OnPlayerInteriorChange(playerid, newinteriorid, oldinteriorid) { return 1; } public OnPlayerKeyStateChange(playerid, newkeys, oldkeys) { return 1; } public OnRconLoginAttempt(ip[], password[], success) { return 1; } public OnPlayerUpdate(playerid) { return 1; } public OnPlayerStreamIn(playerid, forplayerid) { return 1; } public OnPlayerStreamOut(playerid, forplayerid) { return 1; } public OnVehicleStreamIn(vehicleid, forplayerid) { return 1; } public OnVehicleStreamOut(vehicleid, forplayerid) { return 1; } public OnDialogResponse(playerid, dialogid, response, listitem, inputtext[]) { switch( dialogid ) { case DIALOG_REGISTER: { if (!response) return Kick(playerid); if(response) { if(!strlen(inputtext)) return ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DIALOG_REGISTER, DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT, ""COL_WHITE"Registering...",""COL_RED"You have entered an invalid password.\n"COL_WHITE"Type your password below to register a new account.","Register","Quit"); new INI:File = INI_Open(UserPath(playerid)); INI_SetTag(File,"data"); INI_WriteInt(File,"Password",udb_hash(inputtext)); INI_WriteInt(File,"Cash",1000); INI_WriteInt(File,"Admin",0); INI_WriteInt(File,"Kills",0); INI_WriteInt(File,"Deaths",0); INI_WriteInt(File,"Score",0); INI_WriteInt(File,"Skin",16); INI_WriteInt(File,"Assistant",0); INI_WriteInt(File,"Faction",0); INI_WriteInt(File,"Leader",0); INI_Close(File); SetSpawnInfo(playerid, 0, 0, 2200.0459, 1285.3773, 10.8203, 93.1433, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); SpawnPlayer(playerid); ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DIALOG_SUCCESS_1, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX,""COL_WHITE"Success!",""COL_GREEN"Great! You just registered. Relog to save your stats!","Ok",""); } } case DIALOG_LOGIN: { if ( !response ) return Kick ( playerid ); if( response ) { if(udb_hash(inputtext) == PlayerInfo[playerid][pPass]) { INI_ParseFile(UserPath(playerid), "LoadUser_%s", .bExtra = true, .extra = playerid); GivePlayerMoney(playerid, PlayerInfo[playerid][pCash]); SetPlayerScore(playerid, PlayerInfo[playerid][pScore]); SetPlayerSkin(playerid, PlayerInfo[playerid][pSkin]); SetSpawnInfo(playerid, 0, 0, 2200.0459, 1285.3773, 10.8203, 93.1433, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); SpawnPlayer(playerid); ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DIALOG_SUCCESS_2, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX,""COL_WHITE"Success!",""COL_GREEN"You have successfully logged in!","Ok",""); } else { ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DIALOG_LOGIN, DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT,""COL_WHITE"Login",""COL_RED"You have entered an incorrect password.\n"COL_WHITE"Type your password below to login.","Login","Quit"); } return 1; } } } return 1; } public OnPlayerClickPlayer(playerid, clickedplayerid, source) { return 1; } public OnPlayerFullyConnected(playerid) { SpawnPlayer(playerid); } CMD:setskin(playerid, params[]) { new targetplayer, skinid; if (PlayerInfo[playerid][pAdmin] <= 1) return SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFF0000AA, "You have to be atleast Trial Admin."); //if(IsPlayerAdmin(playerid)) return 0; { if(sscanf(params, "ui", targetplayer, skinid)) return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_WHITE, ""COL_LIGHTBLUE"<Usage> "COL_WHITE"/setskin [ID] [skinid]"); // this line is for; if you type /setskin, you will receive a message displayed with the "Usage" part. if(skinid < 0 || skinid > 311) return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_RED, "<Error> "COL_WHITE"Available skinids 0 - 311"); if(!IsPlayerConnected(targetplayer)) return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_RED, "<Error> "COL_WHITE"Player is not connected!"); //==-== new string[150], pName[MAX_PLAYER_NAME]; SetPlayerSkin(targetplayer, skinid); format(string, sizeof string, "<ACCOUNT> Your skinid has been set by an admin to %i", skinid); SendClientMessage(targetplayer, COLOR_GREY, string); GetPlayerName(targetplayer, pName, MAX_PLAYER_NAME); format(string, sizeof string, "<AdmCmd> You have set %s's skinid to %i", pName, skinid); SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREY, string); } return 1; } CMD:stats(playerid, params[]) { new string[250], pName[MAX_PLAYER_NAME]; GetPlayerName(playerid, pName, MAX_PLAYER_NAME); format(string, sizeof(string), "--- %s Stats ---", pName); SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, string); format(string, sizeof(string), ""COL_WHITE"Cash: "COL_LIGHTBLUE"%d$ "COL_WHITE"| Admin Level: "COL_LIGHTBLUE"%d "COL_WHITE"| Kills: "COL_LIGHTBLUE"%d "COL_WHITE"| Deaths: "COL_LIGHTBLUE"%d "COL_WHITE"| Score: "COL_LIGHTBLUE"%d", PlayerInfo[playerid][pCash], PlayerInfo[playerid][pAdmin], PlayerInfo[playerid][pKills], PlayerInfo[playerid][pDeaths], PlayerInfo[playerid][pScore]); SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, string); format(string, sizeof(string), ""COL_WHITE"Skin: "COL_LIGHTBLUE"%d "COL_WHITE"| Assistant Level: "COL_LIGHTBLUE"%d", PlayerInfo[playerid][pSkin], PlayerInfo[playerid][pAssistant]); SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, string); return 1; } CMD:suicide(playerid, params[]) { SetPlayerHealth(playerid, 0); return 1; } CMD:testwep(playerid, params[]) { GivePlayerWeapon(playerid, 24, 50); GivePlayerWeapon(playerid, 3, 1); return 1; } CMD:goto(playerid, params[]) { if (PlayerInfo[playerid][pAdmin] <= 2) return SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFF0000AA, "You have to be atleast Trial Admin."); new ID; new pn[MAX_PLAYER_NAME]; new an[MAX_PLAYER_NAME]; new str[128]; if(sscanf(params, "u", ID)) return SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFF0000AA, ""COL_LIGHTBLUE"<USAGE> "COL_WHITE"/goto [ID]"); if(!IsPlayerConnected(ID)) return SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFF0000AA, ""COL_RED"ERROR: "COL_WHITE"This player is not connected"); GetPlayerName(playerid, an, MAX_PLAYER_NAME); GetPlayerName(ID, pn, MAX_PLAYER_NAME); new Float:x; new Float:y; new Float:z; GetPlayerPos(ID, x, y, z); SetPlayerPos(playerid, x+1, y+1, z); format(str, sizeof(str), "You have been teleported to %s", pn); SendClientMessage(playerid, 0x00FF00AA, str); if(IsPlayerInAnyVehicle(playerid)) { GetPlayerPos(ID, x, y, z); SetVehiclePos(playerid, x+1, y+1, z); } return 1; } CMD:setleader(playerid, params[]) { if (PlayerInfo[playerid][pAdmin] <= 5) return SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFF0000AA, "You have to be atleast Head Admin."); new string[256], targetid, faction, name[128]; if(sscanf(params, "ui", targetid, faction)) { SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFFFFFAA, ""COL_LIGHTBLUE"<Usage> "COL_WHITE"/leader [ID] [facID]"); SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFFFFFAA, "1-LSPD | 2-CIA | 3-NG"); return 1; } if(faction == 1) { name = "LSPD"; } else if(faction == 2) { name = "CIA"; } else if(faction == 3) { name = "NG"; } else { return 1; } PlayerInfo[targetid][pFac] = faction; PlayerInfo[targetid][pLead] = faction; new pname[256], tname[256]; GetPlayerName(playerid, pname, sizeof(pname)); GetPlayerName(targetid, tname, sizeof(tname)); format(string, sizeof(string), "You made %s leader of %s.", tname, name); SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFFFFFAA, string); format(string, sizeof(string), "%s has made you leader of %s.", pname, name); SendClientMessage(targetid, 0xFFFFFFAA, string); return 1; } CMD:invite(playerid, params[]) { if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pLead] >= 1) { new string[256], targetid; if(sscanf(params, "u", targetid)) return SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFFFFFAA, "Syntax: /invite [ID]"); PlayerInfo[targetid][pFac] = PlayerInfo[playerid][pFac]; new pname[256], tname[256]; GetPlayerName(playerid, pname, sizeof(pname)); GetPlayerName(targetid, tname, sizeof(tname)); format(string, sizeof(string), "You have invited %s to your faction.", tname); SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFFFFFAA, string); format(string, sizeof(string), "%s has invited you to their faction.", pname); SendClientMessage(targetid, 0xFFFFFFAA, string); } else { SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFFFFFAA, "You're not a faction leader!"); } return 1; } CMD:terminate(playerid, params[]) { if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pLead] >= 1) { new string[256], targetid; if(sscanf(params, "u", targetid)) return SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFFFFFAA, "Syntax: /terminate [ID]"); if(PlayerInfo[targetid][pFac] == PlayerInfo[playerid][pFac]) { new pname[256], tname[256]; GetPlayerName(playerid, pname, sizeof(pname)); GetPlayerName(targetid, tname, sizeof(tname)); format(string, sizeof(string), "You have removed %s from your faction.", tname); SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFFFFFAA, string); format(string, sizeof(string), "%s has removed you from their faction.", pname); SendClientMessage(targetid, 0xFFFFFFAA, string); PlayerInfo[targetid][pFac] = 0; } else { SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFFFFFAA, "The player you're trying to terminate is not from your faction!"); } } else { SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFFFFFAA, "You're not a faction leader!"); } return 1; } CMD:leavefac(playerid, params[]) { PlayerInfo[playerid][pFac] = 0; PlayerInfo[playerid][pLead] = 0; SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFFFFFAA, "You have left your current faction!"); return 1; } CMD:aduty(playerid, params[]) { if (PlayerInfo[playerid][pAdmin] < 1) return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_RED, "You don't have permission to use this command."); if (!PlayerInfo[playerid][pAdminDuty]) { SetPlayerColor(playerid, 0x33CC3300); new pname[256], string[150]; GetPlayerName(playerid, pname, sizeof(pname)); PlayerInfo[playerid][pAdminDuty] = 1; format(string, sizeof(string), ""COL_LIGHTBLUE"%s "COL_WHITE"is now on duty as admin.", pname); SendClientMessageToAll(COLOR_GREEN, string); } else { SetPlayerColor(playerid, COLOR_WHITE); PlayerInfo[playerid][pAdminDuty] = 0; SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_WHITE, "You are no longer on admin duty."); } return 1; } CMD:admins(playerid, params[]) { new count = 0; new pname[256], string[150]; SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREY, "-----------------------------------------------------------"); foreach (new i : Player) if (PlayerInfo[i][pAdmin] > 0) { if (PlayerInfo[i][pAdminDuty]) { GetPlayerName(playerid, pname, sizeof(pname)); PlayerInfo[playerid][pAdminDuty] = 1; format(string, sizeof(string), "%s - Admin Level: "COL_LIGHTBLUE"%d "COL_WHITE"("COL_GREEN"On Duty"COL_WHITE")", pname, PlayerInfo[playerid][pAdmin]); SendClientMessageToAll(COLOR_WHITE, string); } else { GetPlayerName(playerid, pname, sizeof(pname)); PlayerInfo[playerid][pAdminDuty] = 1; format(string, sizeof(string), "%s - Admin Level: "COL_LIGHTBLUE"%d "COL_WHITE"("COL_RED"Off Duty"COL_WHITE")", pname, PlayerInfo[playerid][pAdmin]); SendClientMessageToAll(COLOR_WHITE, string); } count++; } if (!count) { SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_WHITE, "* No admins online."); } SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREY, "-----------------------------------------------------------"); return 1; } CMD:resetallactors(playerid, params[]) { if(IsPlayerAdmin(playerid)) { for(new id = 0; id < MAX_ACTORSS; id ++) { CreateActorInformation(id); SaveActors(id); } SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, "You've created the files."); } else SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, "You're not authorized to use this command"); return 1; } CMD:createactor(playerid, params[]) { new skin, text[32], string[128]; if(IsPlayerInAnyVehicle(playerid)) return SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, "You can't do that in a vehicle."); if(!IsPlayerAdmin(playerid)) return SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, "You're not authorized to use this command"); if(sscanf(params, "is[32]", skin, text)) { SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, "/createactor [skin] [name]"); return 1; } if(skin > 311 || skin < 0) return SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, "Skin ID is invalid(0-311)."); for(new idx=0; idx<MAX_ACTORSS; idx++) { if(ActorInfo[idx][aPosX] == 0.0) { GetPlayerPos(playerid, ActorInfo[idx][aPosX], ActorInfo[idx][aPosY], ActorInfo[idx][aPosZ]); GetPlayerFacingAngle(playerid, ActorInfo[idx][aPosA]); SetActorVirtualWorld(playerid, GetPlayerVirtualWorld(playerid)); ActorInfo[idx][aSkin] = skin; format(ActorInfo[idx][aName], 32, "%s", text); format(string,sizeof(string),"{00A2FF}%s (%d)", text ,idx); ActorInfo[idx][aText] = CreateDynamic3DTextLabel(string,-1,ActorInfo[idx][aPosX],ActorInfo[idx][aPosY],ActorInfo[idx][aPosZ]+1,8.0); CreateActorInformation(idx); SaveActors(idx); idx = MAX_ACTORSS; } } return 1; } CMD:deleteactor(playerid, params[]) { new id; if(!IsPlayerAdmin(playerid)) return SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, "You're not authorized to use this command"); if(sscanf(params, "i", id)) return SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, "/deleteactor [id]"); if(ActorInfo[id][aPosX] == 0.0) return SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, "Invaild ID"); ActorInfo[id][aSkin] = 0; format(ActorInfo[id][aName], 32, "None"); ActorInfo[id][aPosX] = 0; ActorInfo[id][aPosY] = 0; ActorInfo[id][aPosZ] = 0; ActorInfo[id][aPosA] = 0; ActorInfo[id][aVW] = 0; DestroyActor(id); DestroyDynamic3DTextLabel(ActorInfo[id][aText]); CreateActorInformation(id); SaveActors(id); return 1; }