MySQL R7 and stocks

I've created this stock to load player data:

stock LoadPlayerData( playerid )

        new query[50];
	format( query, 50 ,"SELECT XP FROM players WHERE Vardas = '%s'",GetName[ playerid ] );
 	mysql_function_query( mysql, query, true, "LoadData", "i", playerid );

        SetPlayerScore(playerid, XP[playerid]);
When I try to give player XP in the stock it gives 0, but when I use SetPlayerScore in LoadData function it gives the XP.

If possible, how can I give player XP in the stock?

Firstly, I recommend that you read this:

Anyway, you need to use a callback called LoadData(playerid) to get the data (XP) from the query (cache_get_row_int).

You also need to make sure you don't miss any brackets out when you write your code.

Thanks for your reply, I do get the data from the query in LoadData, but why player doesn't get the XP, when XP[playerid] should already have a value after this is called:

mysql_function_query( mysql, query, true, "LoadData", "i", playerid );
Do I need timer or something?

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