Weird IRC Bot Issue


I am having a problem with one of my IRC bots. Bot 3 connects every time the server restarts, but then exactly 2 minutes and 1 second later from when it connected, it times out. Each and every time it is exactly every 2 minutes and 1 second and only happens to bot 3. I made a command to disconnect the IRC bots and then reconnect them after bot 3 times out, bot 3 connects fine and stays, but after they reconnect no IRC commands work. Here's a log of it happening:


[23:14:03] [IRC] IRC_OnConnect: Bot ID 3 connected to
[23:14:07] [IRC] IRC_OnUserSetChannelMode (Bot ID 3): User Hue (huehuehue@brbrbr) on #**** set mode: +h *****
[23:16:04] [IRC] IRC_OnUserDisconnect (Bot ID 3): User ********* (********@A44110.3C6217.542B36.49038E) disconnected (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

Any help is appreciated. Thanks!

Have you verified with the IRC netwerk operators that you are allowed to connect more than two clients? Most networks don't allow more than two or three connections from the same IP.

Originally Posted by Vince
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Have you verified with the IRC netwerk operators that you are allowed to connect more than two clients? Most networks don't allow more than two or three connections from the same IP.
Yes, I got my limit raised to 20.

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