Object/Streamer issue

I have created an object system where i can create/edit/delete at any time.

My issue comes in where if the player relogs, he is then unable to edit objects or delete them.

for example:

I go on my server and create an object
I can then edit delete or do anything to the object.
I leave the server then rejoin I can no longer edit that object
but I can delete that object sucessfully through the code but the object is still visible.
If i create another new object, eveything works fine for that object until I relog

I think there is something wrong with the streamer, I have not had this issus until the last update

Downgrade to an older streamer version?

Are you using an in-game tool to do this ?
if yes, Make sure that the permissions are well.

i can edit all of the other objects in my server just not the furniture through the furniture system. The furniture system has worked flawlessly untill this last update and I have not changed it in any way. It just got bugged?

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