
hello I need help .. players that have id 0 are getting spammed with dialog..

PHP код:
public OnPlayerPickUpPickup(playeridpickupid)
pickupid == Burger)

That would be because it sees that they are on the pickup so it will resent that dialog. Try run a timer or something to check if that dialog is open, if its not then show them the dialog

You have to make this:


new ShowDIalog[MAX_PLAYERS]; // add this somewhere in GameMode

public OnPlayerPickUpPickup(playerid, pickupid)
if(pickupid == Burger && ShowDialog[playerid] == 0)
ShowDialog[playerid] = 1;
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,DIALOG_Burger,DIALOG_STY LE_LIST,..);
return 1;

and after when he close the dialog make it ShowDialog[playerid] = 0; again...
if you dont know how to do this, send me the code in pm if you want to help you to make..(remember i want the code that you have add on OnPlayerDialogResponse..)

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