22.06.2015, 23:40
Hi everybody! I have a problem with my loading business system! When i enter game and when i go to place of the business it wont show for some reason(3d text label)...
I have no errors just to know
This is the code
Can anybody help me?
I have no errors just to know

This is the code
stock LoadBusiness() { new str[40]; new sa[128]; for(new id = 0; id < MAX_BUSINESS; id++) { format(str, sizeof(str), "Bizovi\%d", id); if(dini_Exists(str)) { bInfo[id][bX] = dini_Float(str, "PosX"); bInfo[id][bY] = dini_Float(str, "PosY"); bInfo[id][bZ] = dini_Float(str, "PosZ"); bInfo[id][bOwner] = dini_Int(str, "Vlasnik"); bInfo[id][bPrice] = dini_Int(str, "Cijena"); bInfo[id][bOwned] = dini_Int(str, "Kupljen"); bInfo[id][bName] = dini_Int(str, "Ime"); bInfo[id][bMoney] = dini_Int(str, "Kasa"); format(sa, sizeof(sa), "Ime firme:%s\nVlasnik firme:%s\nCijena:%i\nPare u kasi:%i", bInfo[id][bName], bInfo[id][bOwner], bInfo[id][bPrice], bInfo[id][bMoney]); Create3DTextLabel(sa, 0x008080FF, bInfo[id][bX], bInfo[id][bY], bInfo[id][bZ], 40.0, 0, 0); } return 1; } return 1; }