07.06.2015, 05:46
how can i declare this because i get 2 error from the line
I use plugin that trace country from ip so i don't need to declare country...
whole code
PlayerInfo[playerid][pCountry] = country;
whole code
public OnRetrieveIpLocation(playerid, country[]) { new pname[MAX_PLAYER_NAME], ip[16]; GetPlayerName(playerid, pname, MAX_PLAYER_NAME); GetPlayerIp(playerid, ip, sizeof(ip)); new ping = GetPlayerPing(playerid); format( Welcome, sizeof(Welcome), "[SERVER] {FF6600}%s{FFFFFF}(%i) Has Join The Server From {FFAC75}%s | {FFAC75}%s | {FFAC75}%i |", pname, playerid, country, ip, ping); PlayerInfo[playerid][pCountry] = country; return 1; }