05.06.2015, 10:37
Последний раз редактировалось denNorske; 05.06.2015 в 11:33.
Car bugs, freeroam
Okay, now after checking my code at least 40-50 times, re-coding the entire vehicle system and replacing PVars with arrays, I still can't find the bug, which is causing vehicles to be messed up. By messed up, I mean that vehicle ID's, specifically car ID 255 (which is server-sided on restart), is causing players to steal vehicles from eachother, and causing additional vehicle features to bug, such as a Private vehicle system I've made. First, I thought CreateVehicle returned 255 in some cases, because instead of creating a new vehicle, it just stole a vehicle from someone else. -_-
I have also been in-touch with several people on the #sa-mp.scripting IRC channel, in order to get details about different functions and callbacks, and how they act in different situations.
What the system is supposed to do?
- Mainly, I want it to handle the cars in such a way, that it doesn't end up being vehicles spawned everywhere on the server. So I am currently allowing one spawned car per playerid. When a new car is spawned, I use a check to see if there is any past-spawned cars, and if so (and if valid) I destroy it before i create the new one.
The Race system I made also uses the "per-playerid" spawned cars Array, so the Race vehicle also can get destroyed when the player is either leaving or spawning a new car after the race.
What can I see that bugs up?
- Firstly, after I changed the code to check for "IsValidVehicle", I started experiencing alot more car-spam around the map than before.
Also, I've kept a close eye on Car ID 255 when Im online. And it has always something to do with players after a while. I did never actually see how it bugs up. All I know is that it is spawned on OnGamemodeInit() (look at the attachment)
Please be aware, that I did not create a global function to call each time, as I wasn't aware of that method back then when i started out with it.
The code I use
Tuned cars:
And so the method goes for all player spawned vehicles..
Race system:
(Im sorry about the identation, it gets kinda fked when i paste it into the forums
At least you can see system
Am I doing anything wrong, and can i get some nice help on how to solve this?
Is a vehicle returned as "valid" when it just exploded? Or, what about the CreateVehicle(........, SPAWN_TIME); ?
Am I missing something?
I hate issues with the cars, as they are really important in that kind of gamemodes.
Restarted server today again.
I was standing by Vehicle 255 and just watching, until i got this one ^
It didn't reuse the slot of the old car, instead just taking Vehicle ID 255. for no reason.
Help is hugely appreciated!
Okay, now after checking my code at least 40-50 times, re-coding the entire vehicle system and replacing PVars with arrays, I still can't find the bug, which is causing vehicles to be messed up. By messed up, I mean that vehicle ID's, specifically car ID 255 (which is server-sided on restart), is causing players to steal vehicles from eachother, and causing additional vehicle features to bug, such as a Private vehicle system I've made. First, I thought CreateVehicle returned 255 in some cases, because instead of creating a new vehicle, it just stole a vehicle from someone else. -_-
I have also been in-touch with several people on the #sa-mp.scripting IRC channel, in order to get details about different functions and callbacks, and how they act in different situations.
What the system is supposed to do?
- Mainly, I want it to handle the cars in such a way, that it doesn't end up being vehicles spawned everywhere on the server. So I am currently allowing one spawned car per playerid. When a new car is spawned, I use a check to see if there is any past-spawned cars, and if so (and if valid) I destroy it before i create the new one.
The Race system I made also uses the "per-playerid" spawned cars Array, so the Race vehicle also can get destroyed when the player is either leaving or spawning a new car after the race.
What can I see that bugs up?
- Firstly, after I changed the code to check for "IsValidVehicle", I started experiencing alot more car-spam around the map than before.
Also, I've kept a close eye on Car ID 255 when Im online. And it has always something to do with players after a while. I did never actually see how it bugs up. All I know is that it is spawned on OnGamemodeInit() (look at the attachment)
Please be aware, that I did not create a global function to call each time, as I wasn't aware of that method back then when i started out with it.
The code I use
PHP код:
if(AccInfo[playerid][SpawnedCarID] != INVALID_VEHICLE_ID)
AccInfo[playerid][SpawnedCarID] = INVALID_VEHICLE_ID;
PHP код:
if(AccInfo[playerid][SpawnedCarID] != INVALID_VEHICLE_ID)
AccInfo[playerid][SpawnedCarID] = INVALID_VEHICLE_ID;
if(PlayerInfo[playerid][CarID] != -1)
PlayerInfo[playerid][CarID] = -1;
PHP код:
if(AccInfo[playerid][SpawnedCarID] != INVALID_VEHICLE_ID)
printf("CMD:CAR = Old spawned car ID = %d BY Payerid = %d",AccInfo[playerid][SpawnedCarID],playerid);
AccInfo[playerid][SpawnedCarID] = INVALID_VEHICLE_ID;
LVehicleID = CreateVehicle(car, X,Y,Z, Angle123, colour1, colour2, -1);
AccInfo[playerid][SpawnedCarID] = LVehicleID;
PHP код:
if(AccInfo[playerid][SpawnedCarID] != INVALID_VEHICLE_ID)
AccInfo[playerid][SpawnedCarID] = INVALID_VEHICLE_ID;
LVehicleIDt = CreateVehicle(560,X,Y,Z,Angle123,1,-1,-1);
AccInfo[playerid][SpawnedCarID] = LVehicleIDt;
Race system:
PHP код:
//Joining the race:
if(GetPlayerState(playerid) == PLAYER_STATE_DRIVER)
if(AccInfo[playerid][SpawnedCarID] != INVALID_VEHICLE_ID)
AccInfo[playerid][SpawnedCarID] = INVALID_VEHICLE_ID;
//then this function is called:
forward PutRacerInVehicle(i); //called from the function timer, so the maps can load.
public PutRacerInVehicle(i)
new Float:x, Float:y, Float:z;
GetPlayerPos(i, x,y, z);
new car = CreateVehicle(Data[RaceCar], x, y, Data[StartZ]+1,Data[Angle], -1, -1, -1);
SetVehicleVirtualWorld(car, raceworld);
PutPlayerInVehicle(i, car, 0);
AccInfo[i][SpawnedCarID] = car;
return 1;

At least you can see system
Am I doing anything wrong, and can i get some nice help on how to solve this?
Is a vehicle returned as "valid" when it just exploded? Or, what about the CreateVehicle(........, SPAWN_TIME); ?
Am I missing something?
I hate issues with the cars, as they are really important in that kind of gamemodes.
Restarted server today again.
[09:01:42] CMD:CAR = Old spawned car ID = 489 BY Payerid = 11 [09:01:42] CMD:CAR = LvehicleID = 255 [09:01:42] CMD:CAR = new spawned car ID (VAR) = 255 BY Payerid = 11 |
It didn't reuse the slot of the old car, instead just taking Vehicle ID 255. for no reason.
Help is hugely appreciated!