29.05.2015, 23:29
Hello there,I think anyone of you got a solution for this case,
I had a fuly working Gamemode with me,it worked fine when i tested it in Lanmode.But I've ordered a Host at GalaxyHost and Uploaded my Script and all using FileZilla.And then i started the server from Galaxyhost,then Connected to the server,it was 0/30 ll 125 ping in SAMP.exe which means the server is probably working,but after
I was waiting for the Dialog to insert my password to login,but no such dialog appears in the windows.No one can say there is a problem in my script,because it worked fine in Lanmode,Someone please try to help me out with this!
I had a fuly working Gamemode with me,it worked fine when i tested it in Lanmode.But I've ordered a Host at GalaxyHost and Uploaded my Script and all using FileZilla.And then i started the server from Galaxyhost,then Connected to the server,it was 0/30 ll 125 ping in SAMP.exe which means the server is probably working,but after
[05:00:10] {FFFFFF}SA-MP {B9C9BF}0.3.7 {FFFFFF}Started [05:00:13] Connecting to [05:00:16] Connected. Joining the game...