Server-side Aimbot Detection

As you already know, with the new lagcomp feature , aimbots are now more accurate.I was working on an anti-aimbot which in the latest version detects proaim easily.Though administrators can manually check players for aimbot and then decide.They too go wrong at times.Moreover, most of the aimbotters go unchecked.If we could in some way at least inform suspicious players to the administrators, it would be a lot better.

How do we detect aimbots?
The main principle behind detecting cheats/hacks is that a player using a hack sends information different from a normal player.So first we need to find flaws or the difference b/w normal player and a player using aimbot.We can then think about exploiting it.

Detecting Proaim:
The easiest one to detect from server-side.When a player uses proaim, the fHitPos (GetPlayerLastShotVector) gives a position where the shooter actually saw the bullet hitting(i.e: ~the teleported player's location).

If the distance between the shooter and the victim(maybe 100units) is way greater than the distance between fHitPos(GetPlayerLastShotVector) and the shooter(2 units or so), then the shooter is very likely to be using proaim.

False warnings?There could be due to players surfing on vehicles with lag combined to trigger false warnings.Even PL could play a role.And obviously high ping will cause problems.

Other Aimbots
I have no idea how to detect other aimbots such as Skin,aimbot.exe,etc which actually aim at the player and shoot.I know some facts about these aimbots which I don't know how to exploit them.

For example, when you are using aimbot.exe, you can't aim somewhere else once it the aimbot locks on to a player.And if a player trys to aim somewhere else, we can see that the camera front vector becomes quite weird.I have tested by creating lot of objects at the front vector location and the camera pos.In case of a normal player, these objects move smoothly whereas with some aimbots its completely irregular.

Another thing I noticed is that the player needn't move his mouse to turn his aim , the aimbot does this automatically.So we could even somehow get to know if the mouse moved or not, we could probably detect the aimbot .But unfortunately we don't have functions that gives information about mouse movements.

Share whatever you know
Please share if you have any idea/method/etc to detect aimbots or even a fact which you think can be exploited anything.We can then pool up ideas and try to make an anti-aimbot or improve the existing ones.

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