Help me plase [Dealership]

Hello Does anybody know how to disable a dealership? or how can I do that command on my server off dealership?

Dealership-urile nu sunt native SA-MPului , probabil tu ai un script pentru dealership in Gamemode-ul tau. Nu avem de unde sti asa ceva din moment ce nu stim ce script folosesti. Cauta in script liniile care au legatura cu dealershipul si scoate-le/modifica-le.

EN : Dealerships are not native to SAMP, you most likely have a dealership script in your Gamemode. We have no way of knowing how to turn it off since we don't know what script you're using. Look in your script for the lines that are related to your dealership and take them out/modify them.

RO: eu vreau sa-mi fac o comanda care sa dezactiveze DS
ENG I want to make a command to disable DealerShip


We can't help you if we do not know your code

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