Dead Actor VS. Vehicle = Floating Actors!

Description: Well, when actors are dead they have a rough time responding. You can set their health to 100 while they are dead and they do not respawn. You can clear their animations while they are dead and their dead animation remains, therefore they still do not respawn. That's not even why I'm here! I'm here to point out a bug that occurs when they are dead.

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Let's start at their spawn...

* CreateActor, SetActorInvulnerable to false, SetActorHealth to 100.0.
* Hit them with a car, they only get pushed out of the way.
* ** 'Crayder' shoots an actor named 'Kalcor' in the 'head' with a 'Desert Eagle'. **
* Ok, now that he is dead let's hit him with the car again.
* ** Dead 'Kalcor' begins to float. **

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I'm gonna bump this. I know it's not high priority since actors are not meant to be used in open spaces like this, but it could still be a huge issue. After they bug out like this it's impossible to interact with them.

I suggest that when they die their collision should be turned off. It'll be like the remote collision function for players, but for dead actors.

I was just playing with actors again and decided that this needed another bump. This is a rather important bug...

Hi Crayder,

The best bet is to actually use the DestroyActor call and destroy them before respawning them. What you could do is use a timer that loops through all of your actors and uses 'GetActorHealth' and if the health returns 0.
Destroy the actor and respawn them.
Set the timer to mayeb every 5 to 10 seconds to allow you to shoot one down, and let him lie there briefly before respawning as opposed to an almost instant respawn from dying that the animation of them falling to the ground probably wouldn't even finish.

With regards to the collision of them, it's probably the way SAMP initializes them into the server. They will more than likely not have all the same attributes of a normal pedestrian which gives the 'solid effect' when driving over them after they have died.

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