Need Help - gamemode not loading


Loaded log file: "server_log.txt".

SA:MP Dedicated Server
v0.2X, ©2005-2008 SA:MP Team

Server Plugins
Loaded 0 plugins.

Started Server on port: 40, with maxplayers: 5 lanmode is OFF.

Filter Scripts
Loading filter script 'adminspec.amx'...
Loading filter script 'vactions.amx'...
Loading filter script 'libcity.amx'...

LC In SA By Sr.Rafa

Loaded 3 filter scripts.

Script[gamemodes/lcrcr.amx]: Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"

can anyone help?

Make sure you are running 02x server, have compiled the .amx with the pawno version included in the server package and that the gamemode is in the "gamemodes" folder.

BTW: I wouldn't reccomend running the server on port 40 - keep the default at 7777.

Try to run default gamemodes & server files only, if it still doesnt work, come back.

NVM. I had to add "plugins irc" to my server.cfg i'm so dumb. Thnks anyway for ur help.

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