15.04.2015, 19:29
What are groups? An admin level is a group of players, a gang is a group of players, a team is a group of players, a faction is group of players - why have different code for each of these things? y_groups is an abstraction of all of these things now supported by most of the YSI libraries to allow you to define exactly who can do what.
This library is a part of YSI, which can be found here. Keep your eye on that topic and your server log for updates.
YSI Download Topic
To demonstrate the use of the group system, this is an example of an admin "/ban" command:
#include <YSI\y_commands> #include <YSI\y_groups> new Group:g_grAdmin; public OnGameModeInit() { // Create the admin group. g_grAdmin = Group_Create("admins"); new cmd = Command_GetID("ban"); // Make normal people unable to use this command. Group_SetGlobalCommand(cmd, false); // Make admins allowed to use this command. Group_SetCommand(g_grAdmin, cmd, true); } public OnPlayerLogin(playerid) { // Some sort of admin check. if (/* player is an admin */) { Group_SetPlayer(g_grAdmin, playerid, true); } } YCMD:ban(playerid, params[], help) { if (help) { return SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFF0000AA, "Bans a given player"); } else { new pid; if (sscanf(params, "r", pid)) return SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFF0000AA, "Usage: /ban <id/name>."); else if (pid == INVALID_PLAYER_ID) return SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFF0000AA, "Invalid player to be banned."); else { Ban(pid); return SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFF0000AA, "Player banned."); } } }
Command_SetPlayerNamed("ban", playerid, true);
YSI groups are foreach compatible - just specify which group you would like to loop through the players of:
new Group:a = Group_Create("group"); Group_SetPlayer(a, 5, true); Group_SetPlayer(a, 7, true); Group_SetPlayer(a, 89, true); Group_SetPlayer(a, 50, true); foreach (Group(a), playerid) { printf("%d", playerid); }
5 7 50 89
The global group is the group of all players, and always exists. Everyone is always in the global group, you can't be removed at all, and by default the global group can do everything. If you create a new command, the global group can use it - you have to explicitly remove something from the global group, as shown in the example above.
If you know the old YSI system, this was called the "default" group, but I've had to change it to "global" or functions listed later would be called "SetDefaultDefault".
This system uses the YSI master system, which means that if you create a group in one script, you can instantly use it from any other running YSI script. So your nice admin filterscript can define who are admins, and your gamemode can use that information in commands.
The functions provided by the group system are actually dynamic depending on what other YSI libraries you include. There are the basic functions and library specific functions. Note that if you do not include y_groups, the library specific functions will not exist, neither will they exist if you don't include the library with which they work.
- Core Functions
- Код:
- Код:
Group_SetPlayer(Group:group, player, bool:set);
- Код:
bool:Group_GetPlayer(Group:group, player);
- Код:
Group_SetName(Group:group, name[]);
Код:Group_SetName(g_grAdmins, NULL);
- Код:
Note that there are a few other core functions not listed here because they are currently just an interface to incomplete functionality. - Library Functions
Every library defines a set of group functions*, for the list below replace "<...>" with the library prefix. The currently supported libraries are the "Command" and "Class" libraries. - Код:
Group_Set<...>(Group:group, element, bool:set);
Add a class to a group:Код:new Group:g = Group_Create(NULL); Group_SetClass(g, gSomeClass, true);
Код:Group_SetCommand(GROUP_GLOBAL, Command_GetID("me"), false);
- Код:
Group_SetGlobal<...>(element, bool:set);
Код:Group_SetGlobalClass(gSomeClass, true); Group_SetGlobalCommand(Command_GetID("me"), false);
- Код:
Group_Set<...>Default(Group:group, bool:set);
Note that using this function will reset all existing permissions for the current group. - Код:
Note that using this function will reset all existing permissions for the global group.
*These functions are defined automatically - look in "YSI\internal\y_groupsecond.inc" for the code if you're interested.
This thread was originally written by ******. I'm just reposting it here.