Need Small help Rep +

Hello Every budy I need small help.

When i use /disarm id the player got banned ... for weapon hack
same happen with /disarmall

new Resetweapontimer[MAX_PLAYERS];
stock ResetPlayerWeaponsEx(playerid)
Resetweapontimer[playerid] = SetTimerEx("ResetWeapons",10000,false,"u", playerid);

forward ResetWeapons(playerid);
public ResetWeapons(playerid)
for (new i = 0; i != 47; i++) SSWeapon[playerid][i] = false;
return 1;
I use 8 second timer to check the weapons..

	  	    new weaponid = GetPlayerWeapon(i);
	 if (!SSWeapon[i][weaponid] && weaponid != 46 && weaponid != 40 && weaponid != 0 )
it work fine in normal but when i use ResetPlayerWeapon then it ban players some time.

Not sure but...
You are using a 10 second timer "SetTimerEx("ResetWeapons",10000,false,"u", playerid);" too reset his weapon info? And an 8 second timer to check for weapon hacks. Maybe this is because the 8 second timer completes before the ten second one. You should remove the 10 second timer (Which is very effective) or make it one second (May ban player and if the timer is set when weapon check reached 7.5, it won't be called before Weapon check).

pawn Код:
stock ResetPlayerWeaponsEx(playerid)
    for (new i = 0; i != 47; i++) SSWeapon[playerid][i] = false;

Originally Posted by De4dpOol
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Not sure but...
You are using a 10 second timer "SetTimerEx("ResetWeapons",10000,false,"u", playerid);" too reset his weapon info? And an 8 second timer to check for weapon hacks. Maybe this is because the 8 second timer completes before the ten second one. You should remove the 10 second timer (Which is very effective) or make it one second (May ban player and if the timer is set when weapon check reached 7.5, it won't be called before Weapon check).

pawn Код:
stock ResetPlayerWeaponsEx(playerid)
    for (new i = 0; i != 47; i++) SSWeapon[playerid][i] = false;
Dude this was the code before i was using but they still get ban when i use
this so i change it to timer to fix it but not happen..
stock ResetPlayerWeaponsEx(playerid)
for (new i = 0; i != 47; i++) SSWeapon[playerid][i] = false;

Show the command or Anti cheat that u are using to ban a player for weapon hack

  	    new weaponid = GetPlayerWeapon(i);
	 if (!SSWeapon[i][weaponid] && weaponid != 46 && weaponid != 40 && weaponid != 0 )
I use this to ban well already posted up there ..


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