22.03.2015, 10:23
When I compile it freezes for a few seconds and then it shows this
What were you doing before trying to compile it?
There might be something wrong with that script. |
forward createMBag(x, y, z, position[]);
public createMBag();
forward createMBag(Float:x, Float:y, Float:z, position[]);
public createMBag(Float:x, Float:y, Float:z, position[])
pawn Код:
pawn Код:
Second, you need to use floats for coordinates, or numbers that has decimals, and as well i removed the semicolon. EDIT: Same with the MoneyBag public you created, remove the semicolon, only the forward needs it. |
new mBag = 0; new mBagLoc[50] = "Nowhere"; new mBagPickup; public OnGameModeInit() { Moneybag(); return 1; } forward Moneybag(); public Moneybag() { new pos = random(42) ; if (pos <= 5) { switch (pos) { case 0: createMBag(265.6487,2561.8484,16.3672, "Abandoned Airport"); case 1: createMBag(185.7434,2548.7910,16.5096, "Abandoned Airport"); } } return 1; } forward createMBag(x, y, z, position[]); public createMBag(x, y, z, position[]) { new string[128]; mBagPickup = CreatePickup(1550, 2, x, y, z, 0); strmid(mBagLoc, position, 0, strlen(position), sizeof (position)); format(string, sizeof(string), "{3B7A57}[{A4C639}MoneyBag{3B7A57}] {568203}The moneybag has been hidden at {87A96B}%s{568203}! Find it for a reward.", mBagLoc); return 1; }
Many problems:
new mBag = 0; new mBagLoc[50] = "Nowhere"; new mBagPickup; public OnGameModeInit() { Moneybag(); return 1; } forward Moneybag(); public Moneybag() { new pos = random(42) ; if (pos <= 5) { switch (pos) { case 0: createMBag(265.6487,2561.8484,16.3672, "Abandoned Airport"); case 1: createMBag(185.7434,2548.7910,16.5096, "Abandoned Airport"); } } return 1; } forward createMBag(x, y, z, position[]); public createMBag(x, y, z, position[]) { new string[128]; mBagPickup = CreatePickup(1550, 2, x, y, z, 0); strmid(mBagLoc, position, 0, strlen(position), sizeof (position)); format(string, sizeof(string), "{3B7A57}[{A4C639}MoneyBag{3B7A57}] {568203}The moneybag has been hidden at {87A96B}%s{568203}! Find it for a reward.", mBagLoc); return 1; } |