Crash on save stats

Sometimes I'm getting this crash when player's stats is saving (when he is leaving the server):
[debug] AMX backtrace:
[debug] #0 00000036 in ?? (48, 0, 23503556) from gamemode.amx
[debug] #1 0000e75c in ?? (48, 0, 1646209650, 0, 23503648, 667408, 4, 14, 23503668, 69356, ... <3 arguments>) from gamemode.amx
[debug] #2 00000036 in public OnPlayerDisconnect () from gamemode.amx
This isn't happening every time, just randomly crash. I noticed that when the server saves large values then the server probably get crashed. I'm using y_ini to save stats. Any ideas ?

Post your OnPlayerDisconnect.

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