19.01.2015, 08:59
Hello..I have SC-RP script and this script have R7 mysql Plugin..When i put server on HOST (Linux/CentOs) i have this error
[10:56:20] Loading plugin: mysql.so
[10:56:20] Failed (plugins/mysql.so: undefined symbol: _Z13stringvprintfPKcPc)
What I need to do to resolve this problem and keep R7..?
I can't update from R7 to R39-2 Because i don't know what replacement i need to do..i have 26 errors when i compile with 39-2...
[10:56:20] Loading plugin: mysql.so
[10:56:20] Failed (plugins/mysql.so: undefined symbol: _Z13stringvprintfPKcPc)
What I need to do to resolve this problem and keep R7..?
I can't update from R7 to R39-2 Because i don't know what replacement i need to do..i have 26 errors when i compile with 39-2...