[HELP] war problem gangs

Hello I have war for gangs and when they play wars gang 1 and gang 2 then if someone from gang 1 kill someone from gang 2 then it's okay but the problem is if leader of member of gang 1 kill someone in gang 1 how can I make something like

you kill your own member in wan you loose -1 point if you know what I mean. and that code go under onplayerdeath. Thanks

Well... We cannot guess your code.
If you could give to us your enums about War System..
Well, you could do something like this.

pawn Код:
public OnPlayerDeath(playerid, killerid, reason)
    if(PlayerInfo[killerid][Leader] == PlayerInfo[playerid][Member])
        SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, "You killed your own member in war. You lost 1 point.");
        // Other functions here.
    return 1;
Repeat. Replace that PlayerInfo functions with your real enums. I can't guess your code, but I gave to you an example.


How can in this code put if member from wartim1 kill another member of wartim1 then wartim2 get two points I try everything but it doesn't work the code is fine know when someone from wartim1 kill someone from wartim2 I just have a problem know when member kill leader in wartim1 or wartim2 that the same team get points if you know what I mean? Thanks

pawn Код:
if(PlayerInfo[killerid][Member] == WarTim1 || PlayerInfo[killerid][Leader] == WarTim1 || PlayerInfo[playerid][Member] == WarTim2 || PlayerInfo[playerid][Leader] == WarTim2)
                if(killerid != INVALID_PLAYER_ID)
                    if(PlayerInfo[killerid][Leader]) WarTim1Score += 2;
                    else WarTim1Score++;
                if(killerid != INVALID_PLAYER_ID)
                if(PlayerInfo[killerid][Lider]) format(war,128,"(War) Leader %s kill player %s from war team 2.(+2 boda)",hWarName[0],hWarName[1]);
                else format(war,128,"(War) Member %s is kill player %s from warteam2.(+1 bod)",hWarName[0],hWarName[1]);

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