Textdraws *sigh*

Here are my current text draws for the vehicle stuff:

		new str[50];
		new vid = GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid);
		format(str, sizeof(str), "Vehicle: ~g~%s", CarName[GetVehicleModel(vid)-400]);
		speedo1[playerid] = TextDrawCreate(470.0, 390.0, " ");
		TextDrawSetString(speedo1[playerid], str);
		TextDrawSetShadow(speedo1[playerid], false);
		TextDrawSetOutline(speedo1[playerid], 1);
		TextDrawLetterSize(speedo1[playerid], TEXT_DRAW_X_FACTOR, TEXT_DRAW_Y_FACTOR);
		TextDrawSetProportional(speedo1[playerid], 1);
		TextDrawFont(speedo1[playerid], TEXT_DRAW_FONT);
		TextDrawShowForPlayer(playerid, speedo1[playerid]);
		new Float:vh;
		GetVehicleHealth(vid, vh);
		new h = floatround(vh) / 10;
		format(str, sizeof(str), "Health: ~g~%d \%", h);
		speedo2[playerid] = TextDrawCreate(470.0, 400.0, " ");
		TextDrawSetString(speedo2[playerid], str);
		TextDrawSetShadow(speedo2[playerid], false);
		TextDrawSetOutline(speedo2[playerid], 1);
		TextDrawLetterSize(speedo2[playerid], TEXT_DRAW_X_FACTOR, TEXT_DRAW_Y_FACTOR);
		TextDrawSetProportional(speedo2[playerid], 1);
		TextDrawFont(speedo2[playerid], TEXT_DRAW_FONT);
		TextDrawShowForPlayer(playerid, speedo2[playerid]);

		format(str, sizeof(str), "Fuel: ~g~%d \%", Fuel[GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid)]);
		speedo4[playerid] = TextDrawCreate(470.0, 410.0, " ");
		TextDrawSetString(speedo4[playerid], str);
		TextDrawSetShadow(speedo4[playerid], false);
		TextDrawSetOutline(speedo4[playerid], 1);
		TextDrawLetterSize(speedo4[playerid], TEXT_DRAW_X_FACTOR, TEXT_DRAW_Y_FACTOR);
		TextDrawSetProportional(speedo4[playerid], 1);
		TextDrawFont(speedo4[playerid], TEXT_DRAW_FONT);
		TextDrawShowForPlayer(playerid, speedo4[playerid]);

		new Float:s = GetSpeed(playerid);
		new ss = floatround(s);
		format(str, sizeof(str), "Speed: ~%s~%d km/h", DamageColor(h), ss);
		speedo3[playerid] = TextDrawCreate(470.0, 420.0, " ");
		TextDrawSetString(speedo3[playerid], str);
		TextDrawSetShadow(speedo3[playerid], false);
		TextDrawSetOutline(speedo3[playerid], 1);
		TextDrawLetterSize(speedo3[playerid], TEXT_DRAW_X_FACTOR, TEXT_DRAW_Y_FACTOR);
		TextDrawSetProportional(speedo3[playerid], 1);
		TextDrawFont(speedo3[playerid], TEXT_DRAW_FONT);
		TextDrawShowForPlayer(playerid, speedo3[playerid]);

		format(str, sizeof(str), "Engine: ~g~%s",EngineEngine(playerid));
                speedo5[playerid] = TextDrawCreate(470.0, 430.0, " ");
                TextDrawSetString(speedo5[playerid], str);
                TextDrawSetShadow(speedo5[playerid], false);
                TextDrawSetOutline(speedo5[playerid], 1);
                TextDrawLetterSize(speedo5[playerid], TEXT_DRAW_X_FACTOR, TEXT_DRAW_Y_FACTOR);
                TextDrawSetProportional(speedo5[playerid], 1);
                TextDrawFont(speedo5[playerid], TEXT_DRAW_FONT);
		TextDrawShowForPlayer(playerid, speedo5[playerid]);
That looks like this - [FULL IMAGE: http://imgur.com/7H3TwFZ]

I want to make it look like this [FULL IMAGE: http://i.imgur.com/wneHuxm.jpg]

I am TERRIBLE with textdraws, so it would be great if someone could do the conversion for me please.

Here is the code for the textdraw I would like:
        for(new i=0; i<MAX_PLAYERS; i++){
   	Zones[i] = TextDrawCreate(499.000000, 129.000000, "_");
   	TextDrawBackgroundColor(Zones[i], 255);
   	TextDrawFont(Zones[i], 1);
   	TextDrawLetterSize(Zones[i], 0.200000, 0.999999);
   	TextDrawColor(Zones[i], -1);
   	TextDrawSetOutline(Zones[i], 0);
   	TextDrawSetProportional(Zones[i], 1);
   	TextDrawSetShadow(Zones[i], 1);
   	TextDrawUseBox(Zones[i], 1);
   	TextDrawBoxColor(Zones[i], 0x00000076);
   	TextDrawTextSize(Zones[i], 606.000000, -2.000000);}
	return 1;
I'll be very greatful to anyone that might do this for me

EDIT: I forgot to mention that I'd like the new textdraws underneath the one in picture two (kinda top right) in the order they are in now thanks.

Credits to RoamPT for the textdraw above and for his Zone filterscript.

Use a Textdraw editor that has the option to export to a .pwn file. Life will be much easier.

Any links? I can't find one.

Originally Posted by Ciarannn
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Any links? I can't find one.
use Zamaroht's TextDraw Editor Edited by Southclaw to include support for Player Textdraws and Font 4 sprites support
you can find it on github

You want to move vehicle details textdraws up close to the HUD or what?

Nevermind, you just want to change your layout of textdraws.

Originally Posted by Riddick94
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You want to move vehicle details textdraws up close to the HUD or what?

Nevermind, you just want to change your layout of textdraws.
Yeh Is that possible or will I need a textdraw editor to do it myself?

Use iPLEOMAX's textdraw editor to edit your textdraws. You can convert your code to the file that is supported by iTDe, but it isn't worth time and efford. Just create new ones, since it's going to be faster and easier for you.

Originally Posted by Riddick94
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Use iPLEOMAX's textdraw editor to edit your textdraws. You can convert your code to the file that is supported by iTDe, but it isn't worth time and efford. Just create new ones, since it's going to be faster and easier for you.
Great, thank you Riddick💪

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