23.12.2014, 19:32
Regarding the usage of timers in scripts - I understand that using a lot of them is bad but does anybody have any data regarding differences in use, number of timers etc.
I'd be very interested in seeing it if anybody does. I will try and gather my own data, too.
I came across this post while doing some research (The thread was about high CPU usage):
Can anybody back him up on the "more CPU usage when 'return 1;' is left out of timers"?
Regarding the usage of timers in scripts - I understand that using a lot of them is bad but does anybody have any data regarding differences in use, number of timers etc.
I'd be very interested in seeing it if anybody does. I will try and gather my own data, too.
I came across this post while doing some research (The thread was about high CPU usage):
That usualy happen when you forgot to put return 1; on the ond of timer or onplayerupdate, or you jsut have too many timers per player.