YSI- problem

My server script is not loading completely on .so plugin..
and when i update all plugins after this keep getting same problem but in server.log text
my server is giving error that update YSI.

Before updating problem my textdarws/some objects/vehciles are not loading completely

After updating sscnf.so/streamer.so/whirepool.so plugin i am getting this problem
SA-MP Dedicated Server
v0.3z-R4, ©2005-2014 SA-MP Team
[08:05:12] Server Plugins
[08:05:12] --------------
[08:05:12]  Loading plugin: streamer.so
*** Streamer Plugin v2.7.4 by Incognito loaded ***
[08:05:12]   Loaded.
[08:05:12]  Loading plugin: sscanf.so
[08:05:12]  ===============================
[08:05:12]       sscanf plugin loaded.     
[08:05:12]          Version:  2.8.1        
[08:05:12]    © 2012 Alex "******" Cole  
[08:05:12]  ===============================
[08:05:12]   Loaded.
[08:05:12]  Loading plugin: Whirlpool.so
[08:05:12]  ==================
[08:05:12]   Whirlpool loaded
[08:05:12]  ==================
[08:05:12]   Loaded.
[08:05:12]  Loading plugin: audio.so
*** Audio Plugin v0.5 R2 by Incognito loaded ***
[08:05:12]   Loaded.
[08:05:12]  Loaded 4 plugins.
[08:05:12] Filterscripts
[08:05:12] ---------------
[08:05:12]   Loading filterscript 'zmapping.amx'...
[08:05:12] *** Streamer Plugin: Warning: Include file version (0x26104) does not match plugin version (0x27401) (script might need to be recompiled with the latest include file)
[08:05:12]   Loading filterscript 'yom_bottons.amx'...
[08:05:12]   Unable to load filterscript 'yom_bottons.amx'.
[08:05:12]   Loading filterscript 'anims.amx'...
[08:05:12]   Loaded 2 filterscripts.
[08:05:12] *** Streamer Plugin: Warning: Include file version (0x26105) does not match plugin version (0x27401) (script might need to be recompiled with the latest include file)
[08:05:12]  ======================================= 
[08:05:12]  |                                     | 
[08:05:12]  |        YSI version 1.03.0011        | 
[08:05:12]  |        By Alex "******" Cole        | 
[08:05:12]  |                                     | 
[08:05:12]  |  Checking the latest YSI version..  | 
[08:05:12]  |                                     | 
[08:05:12]  ======================================= 
[08:05:12] OnGameo
[08:05:12] *** Audio Plugin: Started TCP server on port 7777
[08:05:13] *** CreateDynamicMapIcon: Expecting 10 parameter(s), but found 9
[08:05:13] *** CreateDynamicMapIcon: Expecting 10 parameter(s), but found 9
[08:05:13] *** CreateDynamicMapIcon: Expecting 10 parameter(s), but found 9
[08:05:13] *** CreateDynamicMapIcon: Expecting 10 parameter(s), but found 9
[08:05:13] *** CreateDynamicMapIcon: Expecting 10 parameter(s), but found 9
[08:05:13] *** CreateDynamicMapIcon: Expecting 10 parameter(s), but found 9
[08:05:13] *** CreateDynamicMapIcon: Expecting 10 parameter(s), but found 9
[08:05:13] *** CreateDynamicMapIcon: Expecting 10 parameter(s), but found 9
[08:05:13] *** CreateDynamicMapIcon: Expecting 10 parameter(s), but found 9
[08:05:13] *** CreateDynamicMapIcon: Expecting 10 parameter(s), but found 9
[08:05:13] *** CreateDynamicMapIcon: Expecting 10 parameter(s), but found 9
[08:05:13] *** CreateDynamicMapIcon: Expecting 10 parameter(s), but found 9
[08:05:13] *** CreateDynamicMapIcon: Expecting 10 parameter(s), but found 9
[08:05:13] *** CreateDynamicMapIcon: Expecting 10 parameter(s), but found 9
[08:05:13] *** CreateDynamicMapIcon: Expecting 10 parameter(s), but found 9
[08:05:13] *** CreateDynamicMapIcon: Expecting 10 parameter(s), but found 9
[08:05:13] *** CreateDynamicMapIcon: Expecting 10 parameter(s), but found 9
[08:05:13] *** CreateDynamicMapIcon: Expecting 10 parameter(s), but found 9
[08:05:13] *** CreateDynamicMapIcon: Expecting 10 parameter(s), but found 9
[08:05:13] *** CreateDynamicMapIcon: Expecting 10 parameter(s), but found 9
[08:05:13] *** CreateDynamicMapIcon: Expecting 10 parameter(s), but found 9
[08:05:13] *** CreateDynamicMapIcon: Expecting 10 parameter(s), but found 9
[08:05:13] *** CreateDynamicMapIcon: Expecting 10 parameter(s), but found 9
[08:05:13] *** CreateDynamicMapIcon: Expecting 10 parameter(s), but found 9
[08:05:13] *** CreateDynamicMapIcon: Expecting 10 parameter(s), but found 9
[08:05:13] *** CreateDynamicMapIcon: Expecting 10 parameter(s), but found 9
[08:05:13] *** CreateDynamicMapIcon: Expecting 10 parameter(s), but found 9
[08:05:13] *** CreateDynamicMapIcon: Expecting 10 parameter(s), but found 9
[08:05:13] *** CreateDynamicMapIcon: Expecting 10 parameter(s), but found 9
[08:05:13] *** CreateDynamicMapIcon: Expecting 10 parameter(s), but found 9
[08:05:13] *** CreateDynamicMapIcon: Expecting 10 parameter(s), but found 9
[08:05:13] *** CreateDynamicMapIcon: Expecting 10 parameter(s), but found 9
[08:05:13] *** CreateDynamicMapIcon: Expecting 10 parameter(s), but found 9
[08:05:13] *** CreateDynamicMapIcon: Expecting 10 parameter(s), but found 9
[08:05:13] *** CreateDynamicMapIcon: Expecting 10 parameter(s), but found 9
[08:05:13] *** CreateDynamicMapIcon: Expecting 10 parameter(s), but found 9
[08:05:13] *** CreateDynamicMapIcon: Expecting 10 parameter(s), but found 9
[08:05:13] *** CreateDynamicMapIcon: Expecting 10 parameter(s), but found 9
[08:05:13] *** CreateDynamicMapIcon: Expecting 10 parameter(s), but found 9
[08:05:13] *** CreateDynamicMapIcon: Expecting 10 parameter(s), but found 9
[08:05:13] *** CreateDynamicMapIcon: Expecting 10 parameter(s), but found 9
[08:05:13] *** CreateDynamicMapIcon: Expecting 10 parameter(s), but found 9
[08:05:13] *** CreateDynamicMapIcon: Expecting 10 parameter(s), but found 9
[08:05:13] *** CreateDynamicMapIcon: Expecting 10 parameter(s), but found 9
[08:05:13] *** CreateDynamicMapIcon: Expecting 10 parameter(s), but found 9
[08:05:13] *** CreateDynamicMapIcon: Expecting 10 parameter(s), but found 9
[08:05:13] *** CreateDynamicMapIcon: Expecting 10 parameter(s), but found 9
[08:05:13] *** CreateDynamicMapIcon: Expecting 10 parameter(s), but found 9
[08:05:13] *** CreateDynamicMapIcon: Expecting 10 parameter(s), but found 9
[08:05:13] *** CreateDynamicMapIcon: Expecting 10 parameter(s), but found 9
[08:05:13] *** CreateDynamicMapIcon: Expecting 10 parameter(s), but found 9
[08:05:13] *** CreateDynamicMapIcon: Expecting 10 parameter(s), but found 9
[08:05:13] *** CreateDynamicMapIcon: Expecting 10 parameter(s), but found 9
[08:05:13] *** CreateDynamicMapIcon: Expecting 10 parameter(s), but found 9
[08:05:13] *** CreateDynamicMapIcon: Expecting 10 parameter(s), but found 9
[08:05:13] *** CreateDynamicMapIcon: Expecting 10 parameter(s), but found 9
[08:05:13] *** CreateDynamicMapIcon: Expecting 10 parameter(s), but found 9
[08:05:13] *** CreateDynamicMapIcon: Expecting 10 parameter(s), but found 9
[08:05:13] *** CreateDynamicMapIcon: Expecting 10 parameter(s), but found 9
[08:05:13] *** CreateDynamicMapIcon: Expecting 10 parameter(s), but found 9
[08:05:13] *** CreateDynamicMapIcon: Expecting 10 parameter(s), but found 9
[08:05:13] *** CreateDynamicMapIcon: Expecting 10 parameter(s), but found 9
[08:05:13] *** CreateDynamicMapIcon: Expecting 10 parameter(s), but found 9
[08:05:13] *** CreateDynamicMapIcon: Expecting 10 parameter(s), but found 9
[08:05:13] *** CreateDynamicMapIcon: Expecting 10 parameter(s), but found 9
[08:05:13] *** CreateDynamicMapIcon: Expecting 10 parameter(s), but found 9
[08:05:13] *** CreateDynamicMapIcon: Expecting 10 parameter(s), but found 9
[08:05:13] *** CreateDynamicMapIcon: Expecting 10 parameter(s), but found 9
[08:05:13] *** CreateDynamicMapIcon: Expecting 10 parameter(s), but found 9
[08:05:13] *** CreateDynamicMapIcon: Expecting 10 parameter(s), but found 9
[08:05:13] *** CreateDynamicMapIcon: Expecting 10 parameter(s), but found 9
[08:05:13] *** CreateDynamicMapIcon: Expecting 10 parameter(s), but found 9
[08:05:13] *** CreateDynamicMapIcon: Expecting 10 parameter(s), but found 9
[08:05:13] *** CreateDynamicMapIcon: Expecting 10 parameter(s), but found 9
[08:05:21] Loading Turfs.
[08:05:26] Only create trains with AddStaticVehicle/Ex
[08:05:26]      Marx Gaming Roleplay
[08:05:26] ----------------------------------
[08:05:26] Number of vehicle models: 22
[08:05:26]  ========================================== 
[08:05:26]  |                                        | 
[08:05:26]  |  A new version (v3.09.0684) of YSI is  | 
[08:05:26]  |            available from:             | 
[08:05:26]  |                                        | 
[08:05:26]  |     www.y-less.com/YSI/YSI_1.0.zip     | 
[08:05:26]  |                                        | 
[08:05:26]  | Changelog:                             | 
[08:05:26]  |                                        | 
[08:05:26]  |   1.04.0000:                           | 
[08:05:26]  |                                        | 
[08:05:26]  |   RC 1 for YSI 3.0.  Available from:   | 
[08:05:26]  | http://www.y-less.com/YSI/YSI_3.0.rar  | 
[08:05:26]  | - includes MANY new libraries and      | 
[08:05:26]  | fixes, see                             | 
[08:05:26]  | http://forum.sa-mp.com/showthread.php? | 
[08:05:26]  | p=1425938 for more information, with   | 
[08:05:26]  | more topics and updates due over the   | 
[08:05:26]  | next few weeks.  In brief: Added       | 
[08:05:26]  | "y_inline", "y_text", "y_users",       | 
[08:05:26]  | "y_uvar", "y_svar", "y_remote";        | 
[08:05:26]  | updated "y_timers", "y_iter"; MANY     | 
[08:05:26]  | MANY fixes and tweaks in almost every  | 
[08:05:26]  | other library.                         | 
[08:05:26]  |                                        | 
[08:05:26]  |   3.00.0000:                           | 
[08:05:26]  |                                        | 
[08:05:26]  |   YSI 3.0 released!  Now includes the  | 
[08:05:26]  | "y_text" library for better messages,  | 
[08:05:26]  | and a reworked "y_classes" library.    | 
[08:05:26]  | Largely documented here                | 
[08:05:26]  | "http://forum.sa-mp.com/showthread.php | 
[08:05:26]  | ?t=321092".                            | 
[08:05:26]  |                                        | 
[08:05:26]  |   3.01.0002:                           | 
[08:05:26]  |                                        | 
[08:05:26]  |   Small fixes to "y_text" and          | 
[08:05:26]  | "y_classes".                           | 
[08:05:26]  |                                        | 
[08:05:26]  |   3.09.0684:                           | 
[08:05:26]  |                                        | 
[08:05:26]  |   Reverted to old download location.   | 
[08:05:26]  | Improved (and fixed) version checks;   | 
[08:05:26]  | added y_bitmap, y_areas, y_races,      | 
[08:05:26]  | y_zonenames, better documentation;     | 
[08:05:26]  | MANY other bug fixes - see the github  | 
[08:05:26]  | repository for more details:           | 
[08:05:26]  |                                        | 
[08:05:26]  ==========================================

i thought this is problem on YSI. so i download YSI from here www.y-less.com/YSI/YSI_1.0.zip nut in this i have many files of .pwn also so i can enter them in server i need guide please help me.

update include streamer

already done but getting same problem.

*** Streamer Plugin: Warning: Include file version (0x26105) does not match plugin version (0x27401) (script might need to be recompiled with the latest include file)

You have multiple problems that are apparent from the log:
- Your streamer.inc file is outdated. You have to update the .inc file as well as recompile your script when you update the .so!
- Your map icons are created incorrectly. CreateDynamicMapIcon has 10 parameters and you are missing 1 of them.
- Your YSI is out of date. Just download the ZIP file and extract the files in pawno/includes to your own pawno include directory and recompile your script.

From the looks of it, you don't know how to do any of this, so i may suggest starting from a simpler script if you can't even manage your current one's includes?

and can you please give me link to download streamer plugins and ysi and tell me how can i add them in my script like there is some pwn files in YSI

Try to update with latest streamer or earlier versions.

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