22.11.2014, 16:22
Okay, I made an enum and want to create stock's , but i get the following error
C:\Users\Valentin$\Desktop\Server - Real one\Server - Real one\EMRP 0.3z\gamemodes\lvrp.pwn(4313) : error 028: invalid subscript (not an array or too many subscripts): "fcar" C:\Users\Valentin$\Desktop\Server - Real one\Server - Real one\EMRP 0.3z\gamemodes\lvrp.pwn(4313) : warning 215: expression has no effect C:\Users\Valentin$\Desktop\Server - Real one\Server - Real one\EMRP 0.3z\gamemodes\lvrp.pwn(4313) : error 001: expected token: ";", but found "]" C:\Users\Valentin$\Desktop\Server - Real one\Server - Real one\EMRP 0.3z\gamemodes\lvrp.pwn(4313) : error 029: invalid expression, assumed zero C:\Users\Valentin$\Desktop\Server - Real one\Server - Real one\EMRP 0.3z\gamemodes\lvrp.pwn(4313) : fatal error 107: too many error messages on one line Compilation aborted.Pawn compiler 3.2.3664 Copyright © 1997-2006, ITB CompuPhase 4 Errors.
enum fcar { carmodel, Float:fx, Float:fy, Float:fz, Float:fa, color1, color2, respawn, carteam, cartype, // 0 = driveable by all // 1 family restricted // 2 job restricted // 3 rentable modeltype, //0 car // 1 heli // 2 plane // 3 boat jobname[25], biznumber, plate[15], tmplocked, tmplockedby, carowner[MAX_STRING], carprice, reset, Components[CAR_COMPONENTS], dupekey[MAX_STRING], vw, paintjob, nitro, }
stock CreateNewVehicle(vid) { new file[64]; format(file,sizeof(file),"cars/car%d.txt",vid); new Float: FX, Float: FY, Float: FZ, Float: FA; FX = dini_Float(file,"floatfx"); FY = dini_Float(file,"floatfy"); FZ = dini_Float(file,"floatfz"); FA = dini_Float(file,"floatfa"); new COL = dini_Int(file,"color1"); new COL2 = dini_Int(file,"color2"); new CARTYP = dini_Int(file,"cartype"); new MODELTYP = dini_Int(file,"modeltype"); new BIZNUM = dini_Int(file,"biznumber"); new CAROWN = dini_Int(file,"carowner"); new CARPRICE = dini_Int(file,"carprice"); new VW = dini_Int(file,"vw"); new PAINTJ = dini_Int(file,"paintjob"); new NITRO = dini_Int(file,"nitro"); new PLAT = dini_Int(file,"plate"); new TEAM = dini_Int(file,"carteam"); new REST = dini_Int(file,"resetted"); new COMP = dini_Int(file,"components"); if(dini_Exists(file)) { fcar[vid][gfloatfx] = FX; fcar[vid][gfloatfy] = FY; fcar[vid][gfloatfz] = FZ; fcar[vid][gfloatfa] = FA; fcar[vid][gcolor1] = COL; fcar[vid][gcolor2] = COL2; fcar[vid][gcartype] = CARTYP; fcar[vid][gmodeltype] = MODELTYP; fcar[vid][gbiznumb] = BIZNUM; fcar[vid][gcarowner] = CAROWN; fcar[vid][gcarprice] = CARPRICE; fcar[vid][gvw] = VW; fcar[vid][gpaintjob] = PAINTJ; fcar[vid][gnitro] = NITRO; fcar[vid][gplate] = PLAT; fcar[vid][gcarteam] = TEAM; fcar[vid][gresetted] = REST; fcar[vid][gcomponents] = COMP; } print("Vehicles loaded successfully."); return 1; } stock LoadVehicles() { new file[64]; for(new v=0; v<=MAX_VEHICLES; v++) { format(file,sizeof(file),"cars/car%d.txt",v); new Float: FX, Float: FY, Float: FZ, Float: FA; FX = dini_Float(file,"floatfx"); FY = dini_Float(file,"floatfy"); FZ = dini_Float(file,"floatfz"); FA = dini_Float(file,"floatfa"); new COL = dini_Int(file,"color1"); new COL2 = dini_Int(file,"color2"); new CARTYP = dini_Int(file,"cartype"); new MODELTYP = dini_Int(file,"modeltype"); new BIZNUM = dini_Int(file,"biznumber"); new CAROWN = dini_Int(file,"carowner"); new CARPRICE = dini_Int(file,"carprice"); new VW = dini_Int(file,"vw"); new PAINTJ = dini_Int(file,"paintjob"); new NITRO = dini_Int(file,"nitro"); new PLAT = dini_Int(file,"plate"); new TEAM = dini_Int(file,"carteam"); new REST = dini_Int(file,"resetted"); new COMP = dini_Int(file,"components"); if(dini_Exists(file)) { fcar[v][gfloatfx] = FX; fcar[v][gfloatfy] = FY; fcar[v][gfloatfz] = FZ; fcar[v][gfloatfa] = FA; fcar[v][gcolor1] = COL; fcar[v][gcolor2] = COL2; fcar[v][gcartype] = CARTYP; fcar[v][gmodeltype] = MODELTYP; fcar[v][gbiznumb] = BIZNUM; fcar[v][gcarowner] = CAROWN; fcar[v][gcarprice] = CARPRICE; fcar[v][gvw] = VW; fcar[v][gpaintjob] = PAINTJ; fcar[v][gnitro] = NITRO; fcar[v][gplate] = PLAT; fcar[v][gcarteam] = TEAM; fcar[v][gresetted] = REST; fcar[v][gcomponents] = COMP; } } print("Vehicles loaded successfully."); return 1; } stock ReturnNextUnusedVehicle() { new hf[64]; for(new h=0; h<=MAX_VEHICLES; h++) { format(hf,sizeof(hf),"cars/car%d.txt",h); if(dini_Exists(hf)) continue; return h; } return -1; }