11.11.2014, 17:16
I want to make a filterscript with the following text to be displayed in a message box when the command /acmds is typed in.
I want it to be so that only Lvl 1, 2, 3, and 4 can access this list. How would I go about doing this?
Thanks in advance!
Also, how do I make a filterscript to display text in the chat window upon typing a command?
Moderator (Level 1): /ban /slap /kick /warn /mute /unmute /jail /unjail /mutelist /announce /spec /specoff /asay /ip Administrator (Level 2): /tempban /unban /clearchat /cweapons /worldtime /gotoxyz /lastlog (+All level 1 commands) Head Administrator (Level 3): /setlevel /setvip /removevip /setexp /resetgod (+All level 1 & 2 commands) (Head admins cannot set anyone server owner) Server Owner (Level 4): /setlevelviarcon /kickall /toglostaccmsg /saveallstats /togstuntbonus (+All level 1, 2 & 3 commands)
Thanks in advance!
Also, how do I make a filterscript to display text in the chat window upon typing a command?
Example: "/lol" Text output in chat: a light blue text of "Man that was so funny I laughed out loud!"