01.11.2014, 13:59
I'm getting this weird bug with my script, I edited once and compiled it. It worked fine, then edited once again and it then gave me this error.
I had a backup of the script before I edited it and I replaced it with the edited one, then tried to compiling it again and it said the same thing.
The line is just this;
And the lines above that are;
As you can see the lines aren't even that long for this error to actually occur. Or am I wrong? If anyone can help me, i'll definitely give you a proposition you couldn't refuse. Thank you guys
(34297) : error 075: input line too long (after substitutions)
The line is just this;
if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid,5.0,PaintSprays[h][0],PaintSprays[h][1],PaintSprays[h][2]) { amount++; }