[Ajuda] samp-serve.exe fecha sozinho!??

toda vez que abro meu samp serve, pб entro no servidor na hora de da spawn ele fecha sozinho .. alguem me ajuda ?
por favor

aqui o erro :

[15:26:55] Number of vehicle models: 18
[15:27:17] Incoming connection:
[15:27:17] [join] SONEKA has joined the server (0:
[15:27:20] [debug] Server crashed while executing GMCrimeLife.amx
[15:27:20] [debug] AMX backtrace:
[15:27:20] [debug] #0 native fclose () from samp-server.exe
[15:27:20] [debug] #1 0000154c in ?? (0x010d7254) from GMCrimeLife.amx
[15:27:20] [debug] #2 00121108 in public OnDialogResponse (0x00000000, 0x00000002, 0x00000001, 0xffffffff, 0x010d7238) from GMCrimeLife.amx
[15:27:20] [debug] Native backtrace:
[15:27:20] [debug] #0 0049417b in ?? () from samp-server.exe
[15:27:20] [debug] #1 004056cd in ?? () from samp-server.exe
[15:27:20] [debug] #2 58870244 in ?? () from plugins\crashdetect.DLL
[15:27:20] [debug] #3 5887636a in ?? () from plugins\crashdetect.DLL
[15:27:20] [debug] #4 58878bc8 in ?? () from plugins\crashdetect.DLL
[15:27:20] [debug] #5 58870a57 in ?? () from plugins\crashdetect.DLL
[15:27:20] [debug] #6 588763ba in ?? () from plugins\crashdetect.DLL
[15:27:20] [debug] #7 58814885 in ?? () from plugins\streamer.DLL
[15:27:20] [debug] #8 0046de11 in ?? () from samp-server.exe
[15:27:20] [debug] #9 00452970 in ?? () from samp-server.exe
[15:27:20] [debug] #10 76f01f3d in ?? () from C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll
[15:27:20] [debug] #11 00010000 in ?? ()
[15:27:20] [debug] #12 00019d3f in ?? ()
[15:27:20] [debug] #13 00019dc7 in ?? ()
[15:27:20] [debug] #14 00019dd4 in ?? ()
[15:27:20] [debug] #15 00019934 in ?? ()
[15:27:20] [debug] #16 00019939 in ?? ()
[15:27:20] [debug] #17 00019940 in ?? ()
[15:27:20] [debug] #18 00019947 in ?? ()
[15:27:20] [debug] #19 00019de2 in ?? ()
[15:27:20] [debug] #20 00019ded in ?? ()

Como mostra acima:
pawn Код:
[15:27:20] [debug] Server crashed while executing GMCrimeLife.amx
Veja se possui este arquivo,caso nгo tenha ou tenha tente compilar novamente.

Provavelmente vocк tentou abrir um diretуrio nгo existente, e a julgar pela callback onde o erro ocorreu, provavelmente й o diretуrio onde fica salvo os arquivos dos jogadores, verifique.

Originally Posted by SpeakDS
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Como mostra acima:
pawn Код:
[15:27:20] [debug] Server crashed while executing GMCrimeLife.amx
Veja se possui este arquivo,caso nгo tenha ou tenha tente compilar novamente.
nada disso isso e o nome do gm

bem pelo que vi foi so apenas dps de alguem ter entrado e com isto aqui:

pawn Код:
#2 00121108 in public OnDialogResponse (0x00000000, 0x00000002, 0x00000001, 0xffffffff, 0x010d7238) from GMCrimeLife.amx
logo de seguida, creio que tem algo a ver com o sistema de registro.

Revise os seus cуdigos de Dialog.

pawn Код:
public OnDialogResponse (0x00000000, 0x00000002, 0x00000001, 0xffffffff, 0x010d7238)
0x00000000 = playerid = 0
0x00000002 = dialogid = 2 (provavelmente um DIALOG_LOGIN)
0x00000001 = response = 1

Com isso, fica уbvio que o erro ocorre no OnDialogResponse, no dialogid 2, dentro do escopo 'if(response)'.

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