28.08.2014, 12:45
Hi! I`m trying to make a /createhouse command but the query does not execute. Can you help me, please? ( I use R7 )
The command:
The command:
pawn Код:
YCMD:createhouse(playerid, params[], help)
enum houseType{
new Float:type[20][houseType]={
{2283.04,-1140.28,1050.90,11}, // 1
{-42.59,1405.47,1084.43,8}, // 2
{299.78,309.89,1003.30,4}, //3
{2308.77,-1212.94,1049.02,6}, //4
{2233.64,-1115.26,1050.88,5}, //5
{2218.40,-1076.18,1050.48,1}, //6
{387.22,1471.70,1080.19,15}, //7
{223.20,1287.08,1082.14,1}, //8
{235.34,1186.68,1080.26,3}, //9
{491.07,1398.50,1080.26,2}, //10
{24.04,1340.17,1084.38,10}, //11
{-283.44,1470.93,1084.38,15}, //12
{-260.49,1456.75,1084.37,4}, //13
{83.03,1322.28,1083.87,9}, //14
{2317.89,-1026.76,1050.22,9}, //15
{2495.98,-1692.08,1014.74,3}, //16
{226.30,1114.24,1080.99,5}, //17
{234.19,1063.73,1084.21,6}, //18
{2324.53,-1149.54,1050.71,12}, //19
{140.17,1366.07,1083.65,5} //20
new connhandle = playerConnectHandle[playerid];
new Float:X;
new Float:Y;
new Float:Z;
GetPlayerPos(playerid, X, Y, Z);
new queryy[1024];
new theTypeID;
new theName[64];
new thePrice;
if(sscanf(params, "is[64]i",theTypeID, theName, thePrice)) return 1;
sscanf(params, "is[64]i", theTypeID, theName, thePrice);
new interiorr = floatround(type[theTypeID][interior], floatround_round);
format(query, sizeof(query), "INSERT INTO `houses` (`X`,`Y`,`Z`,`EX`,`EY`,`EZ`,`interior`,`name`, `price`, `locked`, `rent`, ) VALUES (%f, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f, %i, '%s', %i, %i, %i)",X, Y, Z, type[theTypeID][exitX], type[theTypeID][exitY], type[theTypeID][exitZ], interiorr, theName, thePrice, 1, 0);
mysql_function_query(connhandle, queryy, true, "zaFunction", "");
return 1;
forward zaFunction();
public zaFunction(){
new rows;
new fields;
cache_get_data(rows, fields);
printf("Numarul casei: %i", rows);
return 1;