Pawno Compiling Time

Let's get this straight. My pawno takes hell of a time to compile. I waited for about 30 minutes for it to compile but it dosen't. I've created my own scratch game mode. It got 4k lines. Possibly reason could be - every admin rank got it's own variables in enumerators. (Total 8 ranks). I've not tried to remove the variables, nor i can figure what the problem is. I just guessed about it.

May be related to macros. Create a filed called pawn.cfg in your Pawno directory, with contents:
(lowercase L) and then try to recompile. This only runs the preprocessor and doesn't produce an executable script, but if the compiler still hangs you know it's related to the preprocessor and therefore also definitions and macros.

Problem still persists. It still hangs, and i don't have any marcos. The moment i added admin variables in enumerators and used in some commands, it started to hang.

Pawno did that to me several times when i didn't match some brackets. Take a look over the new code and check if all the new brackets have a matching one.

Usually that happens when you miss an extremely small problem (missing bracket), but the compiler is unable to detect it - therefore attempting to parse a line over and over again.

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