
Hello there, How I can make this thing, When player shoots a building with a like Rocket Launcher the shooted building will be replaced with a object, so anyone can help me how I can script this, just giving me a hint.

I don't think there is any-way to detect a building but it would be awesome if you could although you can detect where a bullet is going and if its a player etc.

I mean I can set this building destroyable and when player shoots it the building will be removed and it will auto set a damaged house, like the player destroyed the house it will be visible to all players not one player.

btw this can be scripted?

I've never seen any-thing like this on SA-MP before so I doubt it. Good idea though, only if it was possible but in the mean-while, I'll do a bit of research on this. If I get any information, I'll either add it to this topic or PM you.

Originally Posted by Death1300
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I've never seen any-thing like this on SA-MP before so I doubt it. Good idea though, only if it was possible but in the mean-while, I'll do a bit of research on this. If I get any information, I'll either add it to this topic or PM you.
It is quite possible as I've seen it in a server.


Anyone can help me?

This isn't possible. Not for a beginner like you.

Okay i'm beginner, can't someone script it for me and send it via PM or?

No. It would be very very hard to script and no one would do a proper, working system like this for free.

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