24.07.2014, 16:55
I have made a vehicle system that has a fuel system with them. Player vehicles have fuel. but spawned vehicles dont. And I dont know how to make it so that faction cars etc spawn with 100 fuel...
Please could someone help me?
Is there any way to give all the faction vehicles fuel?
This is what my variables look like:
I need this vehicle to have 100 fuel also. but cant refuel them or give them fuel...
Please could someone help me?
Is there any way to give all the faction vehicles fuel?
This is what my variables look like:
GetVehicleID(vehicleid) { for(new i=1; i < MAX_DVEHICLES; i++) { if(VehicleID[i] == vehicleid) return i; } return 0; }
new vid = GetVehicleID(GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid)); vInfo[vid][vFuel];
OnGameModeInit() { CreateVehicle(596, 1602.8655, -1684.0818, 5.5351, 89.8200, -1, -1, 100); return 1; }