weird thing

My sampserver.exe doesn't connect to my pawno, idk why.

When I compile my pawno I don't have errors, but when I want to open my server it says this:


make sure the .amx file is inside of the gamemodes folder. and try possibly updating your pawno includes.

I spy windows 8, not sure if this'll do it, but maybe try running it as Administrator unless you've already tried that. Often times, UAC is a giant pain in the backside.

Or, try as the post above this said..

It already worked many times, so windows 8 is not the problem, This is the first time I saw this problem.

I compiled it a few hours ago and no problem, now there is a problem, so Idk if its beacuse of updating includes, but sure I'd like to do that. how?

I tried to rename the script, I did that and compiled it. So I have now a .pwn and .amx in my Gamemodes folder.
But the other .pwn and .amx, I deleted it. I changed the .cfg the gamemode his name. Still problems...
Now the Sampserver.exe doesn't even want to open.

Who can help me please

Try installing micrsoft Net but the verioson it supports

show me your includes and plugins

I dont have plugins...

what about inludes on your script cuz it can be that your missing a plugin for me i had sscantf2 included on my script then i dint put sscantf.dll plugin in server properties then when i add it to it it worked fine can i i see includes

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