04.07.2014, 16:54
Alright, imagine a server where players build their own houses! Like, they buy a piece of land that is within a xyz zone and start building their houses within those boundries!
The idea:
I came up with this while watching some trailer for some server that had a map editing feature.
The idea is that players play like a normal RP server, with normal jobs, cars, factions you name it. However, when they buy a piece of land they can either buy a preset house object thingy with an interior, or build one(Which would require buying the materials for it)
They would have to build their house within the boundries of the piece of land they bought. All houses in the map will be removed with RemoveBuildingForPlayer, and places where there is a void in the ground will be filled up with those wall-objects to keep it flat.
How would you prevent trolls from making nazi-symbols and alike?:
Well seeing that they would have to work for all of it, not many players would waste their money on that. Plus, players would be able to report the structure to the admins who will remove the land and make the piece of land for sale again. The player who did it would be punished with a temp-ban or something.
Why don't you just make it yourself?:
I don't have the time nor skills to do it. I could do the mapping but not the script. Also it is just an idea I had.
Tell me what you think!
The idea:
I came up with this while watching some trailer for some server that had a map editing feature.
The idea is that players play like a normal RP server, with normal jobs, cars, factions you name it. However, when they buy a piece of land they can either buy a preset house object thingy with an interior, or build one(Which would require buying the materials for it)
They would have to build their house within the boundries of the piece of land they bought. All houses in the map will be removed with RemoveBuildingForPlayer, and places where there is a void in the ground will be filled up with those wall-objects to keep it flat.
How would you prevent trolls from making nazi-symbols and alike?:
Well seeing that they would have to work for all of it, not many players would waste their money on that. Plus, players would be able to report the structure to the admins who will remove the land and make the piece of land for sale again. The player who did it would be punished with a temp-ban or something.
Why don't you just make it yourself?:
I don't have the time nor skills to do it. I could do the mapping but not the script. Also it is just an idea I had.
Tell me what you think!