04.07.2014, 13:57
initialize antiSpam_tutorial( );
greentarch: Hello and welcome to my tutorial!
greentarch: In this tutorial I will show you how to make an ...
greentarch: ... anti-spam system!
greentarch: Let's start!
greentarch: Firstly, we need to create some variables and defines.
greentarch: I recommend you placing at top of your script.
pawn Код:
#define CHAT_DELAY ( 750 )
#define MAX_WARNS ( 3 )
pChatTick[ MAX_PLAYERS ],
pChatWarns[ MAX_PLAYERS ];
greentarch: Don't worry, I'll explain the code. Take a look at the comments placed on the code!
pawn Код:
// First, we will create some define(s) and variable(s)
// In this tutorial, the define(s) are used to make settings.
// Take a look at these :
#define CHAT_DELAY ( 750 ) // This is a define, stored as "CHAT_DELAY" -> with value ( 750 )
// 750 is the value of milliseconds, which the player must wait before typing.
#define MAX_WARNS ( 3 ) // This is another define, stored as "MAX_WARNS" -> with value ( 3 )
// 3 is the maximum amount of spam warnings, before the player gets kicked.
// Now, we will create 2 variable(s) to store player information.
pChatTick[ MAX_PLAYERS ], // Variable pChatTick; What does this mean?
// tick is what I believe, is time. So it's the time when the player last sent a chat (+CHAT_DELAY)
// Q: How does it work for this anti-spam?
// A: Simple. It stores the current server's running time (in milliseconds) + CHAT_DELAY,
// and the server will check if the server's running time is higher (not a spam) or lower (spammer) than current pChatTick
pChatWarns[ MAX_PLAYERS ]; // pChatWarns; self-explanatory
// Q: How does this work?
// A: Simple, too! The script will increase player's warning each time they spam. Then, the server checks if the player has
// reached maximum amount of MAX_WARNS, server will kick the spammer.
greentarch: We will reset player's variables at OnPlayerConnect, so they will not conflict with the last value. I also put informations on comments, too.
pawn Код:
public OnPlayerConnect( playerid ) // When a player connects...
pChatTick[ playerid ] = -1; // Reset player's pChatTick
pChatWarns[ playerid ] = 0; // Reset player's pChatWarns
return 1;
greentarch: Yes! The next part that will be called, is OnPlayerText. I also added a delayed "Kick" function which allows you to send client messages before kicking the player.
greentarch: The script looks like this:
pawn Код:
public OnPlayerText( playerid, text[ ] )
if ( ( tickcount( ) - pChatTick[ playerid ] ) > CHAT_DELAY )
pChatTick[ playerid ] = tickcount( );
++ pChatWarns[ playerid ];
if ( pChatWarns[ playerid ] < MAX_WARNS )
SendClientMessage( playerid, -1, "{FF3333}[ANTI-SPAM]: {FFFFFF}Please stop spamming!" );
pChatTick[ playerid ] += CHAT_DELAY;
return 0;
SendClientMessage( playerid, -1, "{FF3333}[ANTI-SPAM]: {FFFFFF}You have been kicked from the server because you didn't stop spamming." );
SetTimerEx( "_Kick", 200, false, "i", playerid );
return 0;
return 1;
forward _Kick( playerid );
public _Kick( playerid )
return Kick( playerid );
greentarch: Sorry! Explanations are in the code below:
pawn Код:
public OnPlayerText( playerid, text[ ] ) // When a player sends a text to the world (server).
// We've come so far! Now we are at OnPlayerText
// There is a simple math under here
// tickcount - pChatTick[ playerid ]
// [tickcount -> server time in ms] and [pChatTick is old server time in ms + CHAT_DELAY]
// We will check, if the tick is larger or smaller than CHAT_DELAY
// If it's smaller, then the player is spamming
// If it's bigger, then the player is not spamming.
if ( ( tickcount( ) - pChatTick[ playerid ] ) > CHAT_DELAY ) // This check is explained above, please read the comment above.
pChatTick[ playerid ] = tickcount( ); // Update pChatTick to the current tickcount (server time in ms)
else // Backwards check of the top function, so it checks if the player spams (tickcount - pChatTick is lower than CHAT_DELAY)
++ pChatWarns[ playerid ]; // Increase player's warnings
if ( pChatWarns[ playerid ] < MAX_WARNS ) // Player still has not reached MAX_WARNS, send a warning
// Warn the player by a client message.
SendClientMessage( playerid, -1, "{FF3333}[ANTI-SPAM]: {FFFFFF}Please wait before each message!" );
// Update pChatTick to current tickcount (server time in ms). This avoids another spam being made.
pChatTick[ playerid ] = tickcount( );
return 0; // Don't send message.
else // Player has reached MAX_WARNS, then kick the player
// Send kick message to player before kicking the spammer.
SendClientMessage( playerid, -1, "{FF3333}[ANTI-SPAM]: {FFFFFF}You have been kicked from the server because you didn't stop spamming." );
// A delay to "Kick" function so you can SendClientMessage before kicking the player.
SetTimerEx( "_Kick", 200, false, "i", playerid ); // Tell the server to create a timer that kicks the player in 200ms.
// Q: What's the difference? SetTimerEx --> SetTimer
// A: SetTimerEx allows you putting parameters (i, d, s, x, etc.) at the called function.
// Q: What is 200, false, and "i"
// A: 200 is the delay before calling the function (in ms)
// false means the timer doesn't play back after it's called
// "i" is the parameter, it means integer (as playerid is a number/integer)
return 0; // Don't send message.
return 1; // Passed the check, send the message!
// Now, making a timer
// The function "forward" below tells the compiler that a callback has been registered to the script.
forward _Kick( playerid );
// When the callback calls
public _Kick( playerid )
return Kick( playerid ); // We kick the player.
greentarch: That's why I need feedbacks from readers that read this tutorial!
newbie: That is true. Okay, I've got to go now. That is all, right?
greentarch: Yes, that is all. I've got to go too. See you later!
unload antiSpam_tutorial( );
p.s: No, I am not crazy, I am not talking to myself.
I need your feedbacks so I can improve
Thank you for reading.
Final script for lazy copy+paste master
pawn Код:
#include < a_samp >
// First, we will create some define(s) and variable(s)
// In this tutorial, the define(s) are used to make settings.
// Take a look at these :
#define CHAT_DELAY ( 750 ) // This is a define, stored as "CHAT_DELAY" -> with value ( 750 )
// 750 is the value of milliseconds, which the player must wait before typing.
#define MAX_WARNS ( 3 ) // This is another define, stored as "MAX_WARNS" -> with value ( 3 )
// 3 is the maximum amount of spam warnings, before the player gets kicked.
// Now, we will create 2 variable(s) to store player information.
pChatTick[ MAX_PLAYERS ], // Variable pChatTick; What does this mean?
// tick is what I believe, is time. So it's the time when the player last sent a chat (+CHAT_DELAY)
// Q: How does it work for this anti-spam?
// A: Simple. It stores the current server's running time (in milliseconds) + CHAT_DELAY,
// and the server will check if the server's running time is higher (not a spam) or lower (spammer) than current pChatTick
pChatWarns[ MAX_PLAYERS ]; // pChatWarns; self-explanatory
// Q: How does this work?
// A: Simple, too! The script will increase player's warning each time they spam. Then, the server checks if the player has
// reached maximum amount of MAX_WARNS, server will kick the spammer.
public OnPlayerConnect( playerid ) // When a player connects...
pChatTick[ playerid ] = -1; // Reset player's pChatTick
pChatWarns[ playerid ] = 0; // Reset player's pChatWarns
return 1;
public OnPlayerText( playerid, text[ ] ) // When a player sends a text to the world (server).
// We've come so far! Now we are at OnPlayerText
// There is a simple math under here
// tickcount - pChatTick[ playerid ]
// [tickcount -> server time in ms] and [pChatTick is old server time in ms + CHAT_DELAY]
// We will check, if the tick is larger or smaller than CHAT_DELAY
// If it's smaller, then the player is spamming
// If it's bigger, then the player is not spamming.
if ( ( tickcount( ) - pChatTick[ playerid ] ) > CHAT_DELAY ) // This check is explained above, please read the comment above.
pChatTick[ playerid ] = tickcount( ); // Update pChatTick to the current tickcount (server time in ms)
else // Backwards check of the top function, so it checks if the player spams (tickcount - pChatTick is lower than CHAT_DELAY)
++ pChatWarns[ playerid ]; // Increase player's warnings
if ( pChatWarns[ playerid ] < MAX_WARNS ) // Player still has not reached MAX_WARNS, send a warning
// Warn the player by a client message.
SendClientMessage( playerid, -1, "{FF3333}[ANTI-SPAM]: {FFFFFF}Please wait before each message!" );
// Update pChatTick to current tickcount (server time in ms). This avoids another spam being made.
pChatTick[ playerid ] = tickcount( );
return 0; // Don't send message.
else // Player has reached MAX_WARNS, then kick the player
// Send kick message to player before kicking the spammer.
SendClientMessage( playerid, -1, "{FF3333}[ANTI-SPAM]: {FFFFFF}You have been kicked from the server because you didn't stop spamming." );
// A delay to "Kick" function so you can SendClientMessage before kicking the player.
SetTimerEx( "_Kick", 200, false, "i", playerid ); // Tell the server to create a timer that kicks the player in 200ms.
// Q: What's the difference? SetTimerEx --> SetTimer
// A: SetTimerEx allows you putting parameters (i, d, s, x, etc.) at the called function.
// Q: What is 200, false, and "i"
// A: 200 is the delay before calling the function (in ms)
// false means the timer doesn't play back after it's called
// "i" is the parameter, it means integer (as playerid is a number/integer)
return 0; // Don't send message.
return 1; // Passed the check, send the message!
// Now, making a timer
// The function "forward" below tells the compiler that a callback has been registered to the script.
forward _Kick( playerid );
// When the callback calls
public _Kick( playerid )
return Kick( playerid ); // We kick the player.