What now?

When 0.3z was at the beta stage, people were so happy that they could make their own Serversided damage system, however did anyone else notice? It doesn't work.

So what will we do now? 0.3z brought even more hack methods now, aimbot is viral now, rapid fire and even more.

It was an idea to make the onplayerweaponshot callback completely server sided and give the damages from the server side, combined with a well working server sided health system aswell. However some of these cheats are not allowing us to set the health of a hacker and also when players are desynced they don't loose health. So what is the difference then? We are still where we were 7 months ago, desynced players still are not reporting their shot status's to the server nor the hackers.

If we can't find the difference between a desynced player and cheater then how will this update help us anyway?

So, let's say we have a well server-sided health system.

We store all health and armour to a variable; we decrease this variable when the player is shot, we also decrease their health aswell. (So that their health is really decreased)

So when the next shot is fired we compare if the health has gone down or not, we compare it with the current health the player has with the value we have it stored at our variable. We may give them 10 shots advance so that they won't get a kick straight away, connectivity issues and such, so let's say he also passed all these warnings. Now we gotta do something right? But what?

We can kick him, but what then? What if he was desynced? We will be kicking an innocent player.

So all combined, the real question is, how will we know if they are desynced or not?

That's what the network functions are for! (AFAIK)

EDIT: I think I am correct in saying (Am I?) that you can do that using the packet loss function, anything more than 0 should be bad..

Originally Posted by RajatPawar
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That's what the network functions are for! (AFAIK)
Who brought a certain detection method for us to know if the player is desynced or not, for example, which function would determine that?

If someone is having such severe connectivity issues that you can mistake them for cheaters, they should be kicked anyway. NetStats_PacketLossPercent() is a very good indicator.

By the way, some weapons have a different damage factor at some distances, shotgun will deal more damage when the player is closer to the target, does anyone have an array which knows what damage to deal when a player is shot by a specific weapon?

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