Why did society come to this point?(Social Networks)

I've been wondering why did society come to this level? They will do anything about a "LIKE" on ******** or followers on *******. Then they accuse the one who hangs on the computer doing anything else rather than being glued to ********(Or any other social site) for being the weirdo...

I mean, why instead of going forwards and evolving - we are going backwards? I for example, know many geographical locations - but if you ask one of my friends who struggles to become popular on ******** a simple question regarding his home town, he will fail to answer... This is not just the case with Geography, but with any other topic!

We have computers? And how do we use them? Doing useless things. I believe, people will even share moments of their farts: "OMG, just farted! #smellsgood"

I maybe wrong, but that's why I mainly posted this here. To see what others think... And of course, this:


Social media can be used in a good way, but I agree, they really turn a lot of people into mindless zombies. Just the same goes for mobile phones. That's why I personally try to limit using these services. But again, there are also good things coming from social media. Some people actually use it to spread information and change the world. We just need to wake up all those zombies by showing them things like social status play only a small role in the end.

Apart from the social media madness, society is a weird, complicated thing. If you just don't let the majority oppress you, you'll be fine.

This explains it all. Hate those pics on ******** where they're like '5000 more likes and we can cure the cancer' etc.

[Image: ********-likes-helping-out.png]

I have no friends on ********

Originally Posted by Danny
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Social media can be used in a good way, but I agree, they really turn a lot of people into mindless zombies. Just the same goes for mobile phones. That's why I personally try to limit using these services. But again, there are also good things coming from social media. Some people actually use it to spread information and change the world. We just need to wake up all those zombies by showing them things like social status play only a small role in the end.

Apart from the social media madness, society is a weird, complicated thing. If you just don't let the majority oppress you, you'll be fine.
You are right, social media can be used for good thinks. But the good thinks are overshadowed by those idiots sharing and liking pictures of some sick people stating that a like and a share will save their lives...

Originally Posted by linuxthefish
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I have no friends on ********
Poor little guy... :c

Originally Posted by linuxthefish
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I have no friends on ********
They want peace that's why

I agree with you totally.

The society now has come at a point where people would misuse social networks instead of using the advantages of it.

''If you like this post, you'll get kissed by someone in 10 minutes.''

And there are some idiots who like it too for a kiss.

Owell, people won't learn how to use a Social Network.
Mark Zuckerburg opened ******** to connect people not to get people to like posts for fake kisses.


You were using useless hashtags on IRC literally 2 days ago OP.

Still, I'm getting tired of it too. Pretty much all my friends (especially the female ones) think mainly about where to take their next selfie, who liked their posts etc. and I'm starting to wonder if there's something wrong with me as I dislike all of this social networking crap.

Originally Posted by cj101
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